The Lord Jesus Christ And His Bride
Contributed by Earl Watson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus’ relation to His Bride, the Church
There are many, and most Christians do not know how the Lord’s church began and even when it began. Most Christians have not studied the word of God to know and most Christians believe their pastor or some preacher they like on T.V. and many times are mislead in the truth.
The Lord said in Matt. 16:18 “Thou art Peter and upon this rock (Jesus) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
We have the assurance from the Lord that he (Christ) would bring his church through all things to victory.
When Jesus began his public ministry (he was 30 years of age) and first of all he went to John the Baptist. God’s authority to baptize and was baptized by John. When any Christian begins his or her ministry to serve the Lord they must be first all baptized by the Lord’s church. The only authority to do this.
As Jesus began his public ministry he walked by the sea of Galilee and called Peter and Andrew his brother to follow him and going on further he saw two brothers, James and John and he called them and they left their father and the ship and followed Jesus. Matt. 4:18-22, and seeing the many people he went into the mountain and taught his disciples. This is a
mission Jesus is gathering and first of all he is teaching them many things. The sermon on the Mount taught his disciples how to live their Christian lives before the people. After showing his disciples his power to heal and that he had the control over all things it was time to publicly organize his (mission) into a public church for all to know and see. In Matt. 16:13-16 they said that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God. Upon this confession that Jesus was and is the Christ he ordained them in Luke 6:12. Now his church has been set in motion. All the members of his church have been baptized by John the Baptist. Always all members of his church have to be baptized by the right authority from God. As head of his church and the Lord and Master of their lives he will now teach them his doctrines.
When the day of Pentecost was come, Jesus had taught his church all his teaching and was ready for the worldwide ministry he would give unto her. The church was complete and in agreement on all the issues of the Lord. Acts 1:1. As the Holy Spirit came as a might rushing wind and cloven tongues like fire and sat upon each one of them.
Each member is responsible for the carrying out of the preaching of the gospel. The cloven tongues like a fire represented the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Both given to the church on the day of Pentecost. The church is to preach and teach and the Holy Spirit will lead his church to carry out the World Wide Mission of preaching the gospel and his knowledge to each member what and how to do it.
As the Lord’s church now is fully prepared for service, Peter and other apostles preached on that day and 3,000 souls were saved. Acts 2:41 and baptized and added to the church. Matt. 28:16-20. Jesus gave the worldwide commission to his church and knowledge to be given by the Holy Spirit how to do it. 2 Cor. 5:18-20.
Now Jesus Christ is engaged to this body of believers (his church). He died for it. AS an institution it will forever be here until God comes for her and the Spirit will be in charge to preserve her, lead her, teach her, love her and bring her to account before her master and judge in that day. 2 Cor. 5:10.
Now in this time of the church’s relationship with her Lord, the Holy Spirit has engaged the bride to be faithful to every command the Master has given. 2 Cor. 11:1-2. In this verse Jesus is saying to his bride to be how he loves her and is courting her in all their relationships. Jesus did this all through the days when he was present with hr in his earthly ministry. Now having died for her. Eph. 5:25 and rose again he courts her through the Holy Spirit to give her victory over all things. John 16:1-3. Jesus said to his church “I have to go away but I will come back to receive you unto myself that where I am you may be there with me always.”
When a mission is organized into a church, other preachers and deacons of like faith and order are invited to help the sponsoring church in this service. The declaration our faith, twenty-one doctrines of the faith are read. The covenant that binds each member together in church order are real and the members of the mission are asked to accept these two articles of faith by public vote. All have to be accepted by each member. If they don’t they are asked to leave and are left out of the membership. This covenant binds each member together to carry out the teaching of the Word of God and this commitment is binding as long as they live. If any member fails either morally or spiritually they can be excluded from the membership by one hundred percent vote.