Summary: Jesus’ relation to His Bride, the Church


There are many, and most Christians do not know how the Lord’s church began and even when it began. Most Christians have not studied the word of God to know and most Christians believe their pastor or some preacher they like on T.V. and many times are mislead in the truth.

The Lord said in Matt. 16:18 “Thou art Peter and upon this rock (Jesus) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

We have the assurance from the Lord that he (Christ) would bring his church through all things to victory.

When Jesus began his public ministry (he was 30 years of age) and first of all he went to John the Baptist. God’s authority to baptize and was baptized by John. When any Christian begins his or her ministry to serve the Lord they must be first all baptized by the Lord’s church. The only authority to do this.

As Jesus began his public ministry he walked by the sea of Galilee and called Peter and Andrew his brother to follow him and going on further he saw two brothers, James and John and he called them and they left their father and the ship and followed Jesus. Matt. 4:18-22, and seeing the many people he went into the mountain and taught his disciples. This is a

mission Jesus is gathering and first of all he is teaching them many things. The sermon on the Mount taught his disciples how to live their Christian lives before the people. After showing his disciples his power to heal and that he had the control over all things it was time to publicly organize his (mission) into a public church for all to know and see. In Matt. 16:13-16 they said that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God. Upon this confession that Jesus was and is the Christ he ordained them in Luke 6:12. Now his church has been set in motion. All the members of his church have been baptized by John the Baptist. Always all members of his church have to be baptized by the right authority from God. As head of his church and the Lord and Master of their lives he will now teach them his doctrines.

When the day of Pentecost was come, Jesus had taught his church all his teaching and was ready for the worldwide ministry he would give unto her. The church was complete and in agreement on all the issues of the Lord. Acts 1:1. As the Holy Spirit came as a might rushing wind and cloven tongues like fire and sat upon each one of them.

Each member is responsible for the carrying out of the preaching of the gospel. The cloven tongues like a fire represented the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Both given to the church on the day of Pentecost. The church is to preach and teach and the Holy Spirit will lead his church to carry out the World Wide Mission of preaching the gospel and his knowledge to each member what and how to do it.

As the Lord’s church now is fully prepared for service, Peter and other apostles preached on that day and 3,000 souls were saved. Acts 2:41 and baptized and added to the church. Matt. 28:16-20. Jesus gave the worldwide commission to his church and knowledge to be given by the Holy Spirit how to do it. 2 Cor. 5:18-20.

Now Jesus Christ is engaged to this body of believers (his church). He died for it. AS an institution it will forever be here until God comes for her and the Spirit will be in charge to preserve her, lead her, teach her, love her and bring her to account before her master and judge in that day. 2 Cor. 5:10.

Now in this time of the church’s relationship with her Lord, the Holy Spirit has engaged the bride to be faithful to every command the Master has given. 2 Cor. 11:1-2. In this verse Jesus is saying to his bride to be how he loves her and is courting her in all their relationships. Jesus did this all through the days when he was present with hr in his earthly ministry. Now having died for her. Eph. 5:25 and rose again he courts her through the Holy Spirit to give her victory over all things. John 16:1-3. Jesus said to his church “I have to go away but I will come back to receive you unto myself that where I am you may be there with me always.”

When a mission is organized into a church, other preachers and deacons of like faith and order are invited to help the sponsoring church in this service. The declaration our faith, twenty-one doctrines of the faith are read. The covenant that binds each member together in church order are real and the members of the mission are asked to accept these two articles of faith by public vote. All have to be accepted by each member. If they don’t they are asked to leave and are left out of the membership. This covenant binds each member together to carry out the teaching of the Word of God and this commitment is binding as long as they live. If any member fails either morally or spiritually they can be excluded from the membership by one hundred percent vote.

The epistles to his church or his churches are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit discusses fully the things in each letter. The Holy Spirit will teach each member all his or her responsibilities before the Lord. 2 Timothy 3:15-17.

Each saved are given the Holy Spirit when they are born again by power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will give each person power to obey the will of God for their lives. Each church member (saved) must read their Bible, be faithful in attendance to their church, obey the teaching of the Bible in every part of their life. We all (each one personally) must appear before our Lord and Master and Head of the Church (His Church) to give account of our lives having said we would in church covenant relations.

As believers in his church we are expecting his return. He said in John 14:1-3 “if I go away to prepare a place for you I will come again to receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also.” In his return in the air to call all God’s children to him, both dead and alive will go up to meet him in the air. 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-58.

The first event that will take place in the air will be the Judgment Seat of Christ, 2 Cor. 5:10. Of course in the resurrection we will receive a body like Jesus. 1 John 3:1-3. A perfect sinless body, suited for heaven. No limitations to our freedom in the heavenlies.

To his church at the judgment seat of Christ we will be judged for our faithfulness in using the gifts he has given his bride. Matt. 25:14-30. His joy in our being faithful and gaining 100 percent with our gifts is to be a part of his bride. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. His joy is for all to be in his bride, but only the faithful will be. The next thing is the wedding. This is the greatest and closest relationship there is with Christ and his bride. Rev. 19:7-8. The wedding itself. The bride hath made herself ready. Her dress will be fine linen for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. (faithful in all things).

The marriage supper of the lamb, all the saints in heaven will be invited to this supper. This will not be food like we eat today. Matt. 22:22-23. Verse 30 – no marriage in heaven. In this life marriage is only good for this life. Till death do us part. Our oath and it is okay. In the resurrection all will be single or unmarried. Our fathers and mothers (here) will not be father and mother over there. We will know each other only as children of God. Paul says the former things have passed away.

There will be the lamb, the bride, as honor and honoree. Since the Holy Spirit is the best teacher ever he will serve us with spiritual foods. This super will last as long time. The Holy Spirit will teach us the wonderful spiritual food about the lamb, the bridegroom. It will be our joy to partake of this spiritual food. It will be our life. Jesus spoke of this in John 4:32. Jesus had met the woman at the well (Jacob’s well) and witnessed to her about Christ. Believing this she was saved and the disciples had gone into the city to get something to eat brought back some food for Jesus. When he delayed to eat, the disciples begged him to eat and then Jesus spoke words. John 4:32. I have meat to eat that you know not of. The true meat for disciples is the spiritual divine meat about the Master and heavenly things. We shall never hunger nor thirst when we feast upon this.

After the super when Jesus has completed all things necessary to the work of the kingdom we shall all come back to earth to help Jesus start the kingdom work for one thousand years. Rev. 19:11-16. Jesus will sit on the his throne as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and rule and reign for one thousand years. We shall rule and reign with him. Rev. 20:6. The bride with fullness of job and happiness will be with the bridegroom in Jerusalem in the temple to help in each work Jesus has for her to do.

Zechariah 14:16. The law of Kingdom-everyone of all the nations must come to Jerusalem to worship the King and keep the feast of tabernacle once a year.

The wife of the King will have much to do with the people. To take care of their needs, she will arrange the Feast of Tabernacles everyone day.

The thousand years reign of Christ will enjoy perfect peace. Satan will be bound during that time. Rev. 20:1-3. The sheep nations and goat nations will be on the earth during that time. Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 20:7-9.

All people will have to go to Jerusalem once a year to worship the King and keep the feast of tabernacles. Zechariah 14:16. Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords will rule from Jerusalem with a rod of iron. Rev. 19:15

The saints of the Lord in prefect bodies will reign over different cities and towns all over the universe. Israel redeemed in prefect bodies will bear children in Jerusalem and carry on the government over the whole world. (Isaiah 43:19-21;Isaiah 60:1-22; Isaiah 11:1-16; Zechariah 8:1-8).

There will be one King (Jesus Christ), one nation (Israel). Jesus will sit on his Father David’s throne in the temple in Jerusalem and rule righteously. The government and laws of Israel during the one thousand years will be from the Lord.

All the saints from Adam to the kingdom age will be grafted into the nation of Israel and there will be one fold and one Shepherd. (John 10:16; Romans 11:17; Romans 24:26). The Feast of Tabernacles will be observed every day. Thousands of people will be in Jerusalem each day at the Feast of Tabernacles. The memorial of all the saints of God gathered together. Jesus promised that and the memorial of perfect peace over all the earth. Jesus promised that in Zech. 14:16.

It is scriptural to read the twenty-one doctrines that we believe the Bible to teach that declares Jesus Christ as the sovereign God and our Lord. Matt. 16:13-16. It is scriptural to name each person going into the membership of the church at that time and by that they are set aside forever as the Church of Jesus Christ ordained of God to carry out the works of God’s commission. Luke 6:12-19. When Jesus named the twelve apostles I believe he went among the disciples and put his hand on each one he named. In the organization of the church it would be wise for the presbytery to lay their hands on each member going into the church at that time.

The church of the Lord has continued from the day that Jesus instituted it until this present day and will continue until Jesus comes back for her as he promised. John 14:1-3. All the churches that Paul organized have failed to continue, but the church as an institution will be forever. Many times in the dark ages the church has gone underground, met in secret, but never ceased to exist. God’s power has preserved her Matt. 16:18; Eph. 5:25:33.

God’s plan for the lost person is to be saved by trusting Jesus Christ for salvation. After being born again by power of the Spirit of God that person should obey his Father and unite with the Lord’s church in their location.

God saves us all for a work he wants us to do. Baptism is a must for the believer. Not for salvation but to obey the Lord as God’s child. Eph. 2:8-10. Those that obey the Word are blessed much more that serve their Lord in his church. Eph. 3:21. It should be a joy for each believer to meet with other believers in the Lord’s church to serve as God’s instrument in his Word. To win the lost to salvation is the first important duty we have in the church.

The commission is in three parts. Win the lost (preach the gospel); bring into the church (baptize them), them vote them in. And teach them as church members all the Word.

Elder Earl Watson