The Law Is Love
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A Valentines Day sermon. Many today think that love is a word that we use about something we like or desire. However God’s law is love, and it is commanded in His word to no love inward (ourself) but love upward and outward.
Intro: I found a great picture of the problem of man and the church in of all places Wal-Mart. I was walking by jewelry last Friday after lunch time and saw a shirt that was most interesting. It was interesting because of how little it said, but also how much it said.
It carried the simple words “I love me.”
In this simple little phrase on an insignificant shirt was written man’s entire problem. Many of God’s creation have turned their love inward.
This simple little phrase caused Satan to drag a third of the angels out of heaven with Him, this simple little has caused tyrants to terrorize and terrify their people, this simple little phrase has caused kingdoms to collide in war over land and resources and titles, this simple little phrase has moved mass murders, this simple little phrase, “I love me.”
In Wal-Mart we are seeing the fulfillment of divine prophecy, 1 Timothy 3.1,2 says this “But realize this that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, . .
In the Bible passage today we see that God commands that we love upward, and outward.
Read Matthew 22.23-46
I. God commands us to be filled with love (Matthew 22.37)
Ephesians 3.19 “and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.”
Ephesians 5.18 “be filled with the spirit”
John 4.24 “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
1 John 4.8 “God is love”
Romans 8.7 “because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so.”
The mind set on self cannot submit itself to the Law of God.
Jesus has summarized the Law of God in the Great Commandment.
When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our life we no longer have the excuse of being hostile toward the Law of love. We are not only able but we should be willing to love God with all we’ve got!!!
So what does it mean to love God with all we’ve got?
A) Jesus commands us to Love God with our all and above all
1) Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart – emotional love
a) A desire to know God more.
b) A desire to please Him in every aspect of your life
c) A desire to introduce Him to every one in your life
Psalm 42.1 “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God.”
An emotional love for God is a thirst for God that nothing in this world but living water can quench.
Where your treasure is there you heart will be. (Where is your heart?)
2) Jesus commands us to love God with all our soul – willful love
a) A decided love Joshua 24
I have decided to follow Jesus
b) A determined love
As a Christian our love for God is based on whose we are and not what we get, or what we face.
Revelation 3.15-16 (read) I know your works
A little English drummer-boy was brought prisoner before Napoleon. The emperor told him to sound the retreat. “I never learnt it,” was the prompt reply.
Love never retreats. Love is ever accompanied by faith and hope, and in their company it always dares to pursue its course, however the odds may appear against it.
3) Jesus commands us to love God with all our mind – intellectual love
a) Intimate knowledge not factual knowledge
Husband and Wife vs Student and Subject
Paul said I know whom I have believed.
Illustration: Way a race car driver knows a track
Way a professional golfer knows a course
b) Involved knowledge
We are called to an everlasting preoccupation with God.
—A.W. Tozer,
4) Jesus commands us to love God with all our strength – physical love
a) A sacrificial love Romans 12.1
b) A satisfying love
It is very apparent from Jesus’ words we are to love God with all that we’ve got!!!
We are to love God more than our parents, our spouses, our children, our jobs, and our hobbies.
What type of Love do you have for God?
B) Obedience to the first Commandment leads to obedience of all the commandments John 14.15 “If you love Me keep my commandments.”
The entire Old testaments purpose was to reveal God and His character of love. The Law and prophets is Jesus’ way of saying all of scripture.
According to Jesus everything in the OT depends on this the greatest and the second commandment.
Temple warns: “No one can be indwelt by the Spirit of God and keep that Spirit to himself. Where the Spirit is, He flows forth; if there is no flowing forth, He is not there.”