The Last Supper
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The last supper (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
Reading: Luke chapter 22 verses 14-23.
In 1866 a man named Alfred who had the rare opportunity to read his own obituary.
• Apparently the newspaper in Alfred’s hometown;
• Mistakenly believed that he had died and prematurely published his obituary.
• Alfred was a philanthropist (a generous donor to charities);
• He had made a fortune by inventing dynamite.
• In his obituary;
• His invention was blamed for the death and mutilation of thousands of people.
• He was shocked and dismayed by the harsh manner in which he was portrayed.
• Alfred was determined to improve his public image and leave a better legacy.
• He wanted to be remembered as a man of science and of peace.
• When Alfred died in 1896,
• His will provided the major portion of his $9 million estate;
• Be set up as a fund to establish yearly prizes for merit in;
• Physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, and world peace.
• Alfred’s last name if you haven’t yet guessed was Noble, Alfred Noble.
• The prize that bears his name is an international award given annually since 1901
• Question: How would you like to be remembered?
• Answer: None of us of course will be around to find out!
(1). Jesus said; “Remember me” (vs 19b).
Jesus knew exactly how he wanted to be remembered:
• The world focus on his birth (Christmas)
• Some major on his miracles –how amazing & breathtaking they were!
• Others on his teaching – the wisdom & the cross-cultural application of them.
• Jesus himself focussed in on one particular aspect – his death!
• What appeared to be the world’s greatest tragedy;
• Was in fact the world’s greatest triumph!
To help his disciples focus and also remember he gave to them a visual aid:
• Bread & wine.
• A solid and a liquid.
• Lord N Horatio Nelson died during the Battle of Trafalgar, in 1805.
• At his death,
• Britain lost a complex leader who balanced a personal longing for honour and glory;
• With a compassion and respect for his men.
• He was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral;
• And a party of his sailors bore his coffin to the tomb.
One who saw the scene writes;
• “With reverencey and with efficiency;
• They lowered the body of the world’s greatest admiral into its tomb.
• Then, as though answering to a sharp order from the quarter deck,
• They all seized the Union Jack with which the coffin had been covered;
• And tore it to fragments,
• And each took his souvenir of the illustrious dead”
For the rest of their lives to those coffin bearers:
• That little bit of coloured cloth;
• Would remind them of the admiral they had both served and loved!
• In the houses of everyone of us here;
• There are draws or boxes full of things that others would call junk.
• Yet the reason they have been kept is because when we;
• Touch, handle and look at them,
• They bring back to our hearts and minds;
• This or that person, or this or that occasion.
To help his disciples focus and remember Jesus gave to his followers a visual aid:
• Notice: of the four gospel writers who record this event;
• Only Luke mentions that the Lord’s Supper was to become a memorial feast.
• You see the words in verse 19b,
• "Do this in remembrance of me";
• Those words are not found in the other gospel accounts of that night in the upper room.
• You won’t find them in Matthew, Mark or John.
• In fact the only other place where we find these words are in 1 Corinthians chapter 11;
• Where the apostle Paul discusses the Lord’s Supper.
• Some of the most well known words of the communion service;
• Ill: Engraved on tables – quoted in many, many prayers.
• Were actually recorded by two people who were not even the upper room.
• (Although we believe they were aided in their writings by the Holy Spirit).
• The Greeks had an adjective which they used to describe time;
• “Time”, they said, “Which wipes all things out”.
• It is as the mind of people were a slate-chalk board;
• And time a sponge which wiped it clean.
• In the next few hours and days;
• The disciples would ride a roller coaster of emotional experiences
• Think of the turmoil, the disorder, the confusion;
• That would shake these followers to their very cores.
• These events could easily wipe clean the memories of the disciples .
• Like a wet sponge wiped along a slate-chalk board;