The Hostage Negotiator
Contributed by Patrick Schatzline on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is designed to show that Christians can walk in freedom form the enemy. Jesus came and died as our ransom. The enemy lost the battle at the cross.
A. You are Royalty – Rom. 8:17. We’re co-heirs
B. There is an attack going on (news bulletin)
There is no such thing as a soldier that doesn’t have scars!
Terrorists are lose!
C. Islamic Fundamentalists: (sorrow)
You can’t have a hostage without a ransom
D. Somebody has to pay ransom! *He that the son sets free is free indeed! There are terrorists loose. Tonight mercy meets judgment! *2 Cor. 10:5 Take every thought captive.
E. We are the Ransomed! Col. 2:15 He led the enemy captive! 2 Tim. 1:7 – Spirit of fear but of power
F. We preach fire! We shout! We worship! But are you free! You are valuable! Eph. 5:1 – It is for freedom Christ set us free!
G. Did you know that it is possible to be saved & in bondage. Cutters. The enemy wants to kidnap you!
H. How does the attack come? Most of the time we are drawn in by a piece of candy? Why does he want you? You’re royalty.
Paul describes the attack:
2 Cor. 12:7 – To keep from becoming conceited because of great revelation, there was given a thorn in my flesh. Three times I prayed for deliverance. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Luke 4 – Jesus was attacked by the devil in the wilderness – God allowed it to happen to show Satan his time was coming to an end.
II. Luke 4 – Jesus was attacked
A. We are called to be free! We are called to be different! We are called to declare liberty!
B. Is. 13 – Proclaim his name to nations! You can’t if you’re held hostage!
“Worry is accepting responsibility that God never intended for you to carry.”
*Principalities can work through personalities.
The enemy wants to kidnap a generation!
Jesus said
Luke 4:18 – He was sent to proclaim freedom to set the prisoner free!
* Since 9-11 we have lived in a state of fear!
C. Every day; there are pictures from Al Joizeer of hostages being captured in Israel, Palestine, Baghdad, Fulujah, Egypt, Saudi Arabia – Whether it is Al Quaeda or it is Homees – They all are similar – wild demands. Eventually leading to be headings!
D. Just remember its one goal is to strike fear! A hijacker doesn’t go through a travel agent – their goal is to change your destination.
E. Do you understand I believe there are demonic terrorists in the body of Christ! These are dispatched spirits sent to harass, attack, John 10:10.
F. Your picture in hell’s post office!
High profile Case. *Elizabeth Smart, Salt Lake City – Bad. *Courdelena, ID-Denny’s-Shosta Groene-8 yrs. Old-dead family
G. The demands are simple: Allow demonic power to roam free in your life!
Remember Gadarenes Mark 5:10 – Legion – Don’t send us out of the area.
H. Did you know that Jesus knows when you come up missing! He knows when you become hostage! Too many Christians on milk cartons!
I. In the O.T. God used people to negotiate for his people.
a. Moses. Set my people free – I can’t I am a stutter – God said don’t worry I will give you the voice
Moses stuttered
Counselor: One who negotiates
John 14:15
Heb. 13:5 – never leave you nor forsake you
Every attack is to get your faith out of place & quit trusting God
b. Gideon
c. Nehemiah
d. Esther
e. Judges
f. Samuel
J. But what about us! We are the N.T. Church! Why? Jesus! Why? The Holy Spirit! He took over the negotiation!
2 Corinthians 5:5- He has given us his spirit as a deposit!
K. John 14:15 – I will ask the Father & he will give you another counselor to be with you forever! The Spirit of Truth – The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him.
27 – Don’t let your heart’s be troubled & be not afraid!
Acts 16:26 – worship until your chains fall off!
4 Terrorists:
III. Let me point out the terrorists in the church. There are four Spirits or Terrorists!
Four Contrary Spirits!
Adult Version of Hostage:
II Sam. 15 – Absalom – When he stole the hearts of the people.
The ABSALOM spirit – disloyalty and self-interest. It will most always show up in staff relations. It can show up in laity, but mostly staff relations.
Spirit of Disloyalty
A. Characteristics – It inappropriately receives for
itself affection that should be fastened on higher
B. Disloyalty keeps it for himself.
C. Demigod – Greek – One who finds a gap between the leader and the follower and exploits that gap for self-interest.
D. It is the primary issue of union organizers used between management and labor.