
Summary: the home is the foundational place for the development & the practice of godly leadership & the Spirit uses the home as a Biblical model for all leaders in our text this morning.

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Review: Two weeks ago we discussed the character of a godly leader. Here are some principles:

Biblically effective leaders have confidence in God (2).

Biblically effective leaders have transparent lives (1,5).

Biblically effective leaders are loyal to the truth (3).

Biblically effective leaders are committed to God’s call (4).

Biblically effective leaders base their decisions on principles not polls or popularity (6).

This morning as we continue to consider leadership, we will look the behavior & goals of godly leaders.

Pray and read 1Thess 2:7-12

Let me state a foundational truth for all followers of Jesus Christ which applies to you child of God. Here it is: You are either right now a leader in some capacity or you should be in training to become one.

God has not called anyone in Christ to be a spectator, an observer or to sit on the bench. Therefore, any lesson on leadership is directly applicable to your life.

Bro. Lawrence lived almost 500 yrs ago and worked as a mere dish washer in a monastery for 30 yrs. He never married; he never sought nor received a promotion. Question: Does that sound like a leader? Maybe not in the eyes of the world but he was a leader in his intimacy w/ the Savior. His letters were put into a book and have a changed countless # of lives.

Being a leader does not mean being the boss. but allowing God to work through you to bring change to others.

God has called me and the other Elders to shepherd GBC which He purchased with His own blood. This means we are to encourage you in your faith, to guard you from false teachers, to admonish you when you fall into sin, to exhort you to follow us as we follow Christ and to train you to fulfill your ministry.

These are some big shoes to fill; It is important that we take this seriously; God has called us to be faithful leaders.

It is also important that you take this seriously; As y ou consider the Elders of Grace: George Jackson, Brian Frook, Richard Serrell, Bob Walsh, and me you should see something in our lives and goals that it worthy of following for it is your responsibility to follow us as we follow Christ.

Leadership requires big shoes or in my case sandals but when I as your pastor come to your house I leave my shoes at your door. B/c in your home, fathers, in your home parents, it is your responsibly before God to lead your children, to shepherd your family.

Now I am not saying that I cease to be your pastor, No, not at all. What I am saying is that first & foremost God has called you Fathers & commanded you parents to faithfully lead and protect your own families and it is our job to help and support you in that role.

Eph 6:4 “Fathers do not provoke your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” Whose job is it -- FATHERS

Deut 6: 6ff These words which I have commanded you today, shall be in your heart & you shall teach them diligently to your children. -- who is supposed to teach the chidden?

1Tim 3:4,5 If I am not leading well at home then I am not qualified to shepherd a church.

Therefore, the home is the foundational place for the development & the practice of godly leadership & the Spirit uses the home as a Biblical model for all leaders in our text this morning.

All leaders should learn from this example for the ‘family’ they lead at church, work, school or home.

All parents should seek to live up to the behavior and goals listed for us.

A Mother’s role (7-9)

Gentle & Devoted

“As a nursing Mother” (7)

What an amazing picture -- A young mother sitting in a rocking chair; gently holding her precious little one close to her as the baby nurses.

This pictures a unique tenderness, a n intimacy that we fathers never experience. It is a gentle, bonding moment for both mother and child.

“Cherish” (7)

in Greek literally means - to keep warm. Isn’t that great. Even as time passes this bond remains.

Isaac is just learning to walk; which means he has that little monster walk down to a tee (demonstate). So Carol calls him Frankie -- little Frankenstein. Just yesterday, he was upset and he must find Mommy . But I was between him and Mommy; so I said, O Isaac Daddy love on you, And when he looked up and saw it was me he tucked in his arm and sidestepped around me (demonstrate); b/c there is just something about Mommy.

“Affectionately longing for you” (8)

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