
Summary: The Theft and Descecration at the Cross of Jesus Christ by the four Roman Soliders.

In the Book of John, Chapter 19 verse 23 and 24 we read a most agonizing text whereby surely causeth tears for our Blessed Master. In these most heart wrenching verses recorded of our Lord’s Crucifixion, a dramatic scene of blatant theft and desecration against the Son of God tragically occurred at the Cross. His Majesty’s Garments worn humbly by Him when our Lord Served in His Holy Ministry were torn and gambled for by four Roman Soldiers. The Scripture records the soldiers tore four parts of Jesus Christ Garments and each part of His Blessed Garments were divided to each of the soldiers.

It is surely most painful for us to read of our Great Sufferer’ pain and suffering while the soldiers committed this unfathomable criminal act against Him. We might also ponder on what was the Strategy from the Holy One of Israel when He allowed His only Begotten Son’s Garments to be wickedly torn and gambled for by these soldiers. Most certainly, throughout this passage on the historical events of the Death of our Saviour, the Holy Spirit is most faithful to reveal truth and revelation that although it was most surely the Father’s will, the Brutal Crucifixion of the Saviour of the World was fulfilled most horrifically as prophesied in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.

As we are most careful to study and examine the hearts of the soldiers, we may conclude they were most jealous, and wrothful men whom clearly lacked temperance. Consequently, in the Scriptures, the Holy One has given to us to study over 800 references of the heart. One particular passage is recorded in Song of Solomon 8:6: “Jealously is cruel as the grave.”

The wicked hearts of those soldiers whom were indeed seemingly incited by their hatred and obvious intimidation of the miracles, teachings and Fame in the Ministry of Jesus Christ, made a most tragic decision in their part of the Blessed History of the Son of God. Perhaps it was a fleeting terrible decision of the soldiers whereby resulted in their most merciless covenant to further disgrace, humiliate and shame Christ. Certainly, the public demonstration of their rejection of the Lordship of Jesus Christ revealed the hearts of men in the days of our Beloved Lord whom we should surely be most affrighted if they walked in any measure of liberty in the Earth today.

The four soldiers’ wickedness toward the Son of God and their hardened hearts that refused to show any measure of compassion to our Holy Master surely remindeth us of the ability of satan to identify and use a willing heart to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10. This the enemy inherently seeks to accomplish in his attempt to further advance the plans and wickedness of his kingdom.

In the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 17 verse 9, we read: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” And so, it surely was on that most tragic day over two thousand years ago, when four men with the breath of God stood at the Blessed Cross of our Beloved Savior and committed the most inconceivable theft and mockery against the Son of God. In their cowardice hearts, as Heaven watched, the four names were possibly Recorded in the Books of Heaven’s Court Room: The most brazen and wicked men who trespassed against the Lowly King as His Bleeding and unrecognizable Body was Nailed to the Cross, and He gasped for His Final Breaths; for us.

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