
Summary: This message looks at the response of those at Antioch after Pauls preaching.

There are many ways people can respond to God’s Word when it is proclaimed. This morning we are going to look at three ways the people at Antioch responded. They are the Good response, the Bad response and the downright Ugly response.

1. Let’s begin with the Good response…

a. (They hungered for God’s Word) The Gentiles begged to have God’s Word preached to them again.

b. (They heard God’s Word) Almost the whole city came together to hear the Word of God.

c. (They heeded God’s Word) The Word of God was spread.

2. Now to the Bad response…

a. (They were filled with suspicion) The Jews were filled with envy.

b. (They were engaged in contradiction) They contradicted the teaching of Paul and Barnabas.

c. (They were active in opposition) They opposed Paul and Barnabas.

3. Then there is the Ugly response.

a. (They were guilty of deception) They blasphemed. (not attributing to God that which is rightfully His)

b. They stirred up division.

c. They raised up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas.

You know, we each have the opportunity to choose how we respond to God’s Word. Will your response be Good, Bad or Ugly?

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