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  • Wherever He Leads I'll Go Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon looks at Pauls obedience as the Lord sought to direct him.

    When it comes to doing the will of God… Our intentions are not good enough. v.6 Here Paul and his companions clearly intended to go into Asia to preach the gospel. But intentions alone were not sufficient. Certainly their intentions were noble and even right but for whatever reason they were not more

  • This Far And No More Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    This sermon looks at the dangers of unforgiveness.

    Too often we allow little things that take place to hinder our relationships with our Christian brothers and sisters. That is exactly what we see here in the ministry of Paul when he draws an imaginary line in the sand with regard to John Mark. Un-forgiveness Hinders… 1. Our Walk v. 38 – Any more

  • You Are Free Indeed Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This sermon is about the response that came from the Jerusalem Council.

    The Christian brothers and sisters at Antioch had good reason to rejoice. They had been at the center of a great controversy concerning what they need to do to be saved. There were some who had set high requirements for these Gentile converts to Christ. However after much debate and prayer the more

  • When Jesus Said "It Is Finished", He Meant It! Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Jul 7, 2005
    based on 33 ratings

    This sermon looks at three things we risk losing if we don’t recognize and affirm the sufficiency of Jesus sacrifice alone for our salvation.

    So many times we have trouble realizing the full impact of something that has taken place. Historically we have seen it happen time and time again. Here are two examples that each of us can relate to. When Henry Ford went to a bank to seek a loan to begin his automobile company the banker told more

  • Attributes To Admire Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    This sermon identifies four attributes worth admiration in Paul and Barnabas. These same attributes ought to be present in us as fathers.

    Admiration is an interesting thing. The dictionary defines it as “a feeling of pleasure, wonder and approval”. I think that most men want their children to admire them in one sense or another. I mean I want my children to take pleasure in me as their father, I want them to have a sense of wonder more

  • Practice Makes Perfect Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 39 ratings

    This message identifies three things we need to practice as believers in our walk of faith.

    You have all heard the expression “practice makes perfect”. Do you believe it to be true? One of the greatest golfers of all time is Tiger Woods and when asked what he feels the greatest factor in his success is he attributes it to intense practice. He continually repeats the same routine, more

  • The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on May 31, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    This message looks at the response of those at Antioch after Pauls preaching.

    There are many ways people can respond to God’s Word when it is proclaimed. This morning we are going to look at three ways the people at Antioch responded. They are the Good response, the Bad response and the downright Ugly response. 1. Let’s begin with the Good response… a. (They hungered for more

  • He Is Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on May 25, 2005
    based on 81 ratings

    This sermon looks at Pauls message and identifies 15 things he says God is.

    Life can be pretty hectic. Family, church, work, school, sports, and hobbies can all seem to overwhelm us at times. I feel most likely the problem is that we live life as though everything revolves around us. Contrary to popular belief, I am not the most important person in the universe nor are more

  • Three Things Satan Sees That We Ought To Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on May 18, 2005
    based on 104 ratings

    This sermon identifies three things believers ought to see that Satan does.

    I am amazed at what someone can overlook that is literally right before their eyes. Have you ever watched the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet and seen shows about snakes or insects? Every time they do one of those there will be a scene that appears to be a tree branch and green leaves or a more

  • Not So Fast Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on May 10, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    This message takes a look at six reasons we should fast.

    (I began by showing the video clip called “The Fast” from it is a humorous look at how we should not fast) Often I think of the early Church and wish it could be like that again. They experienced the hand of God in so many incredible ways. Then I remember that this did not come more

  • The Power Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on May 4, 2005
    based on 124 ratings

    This sermon looks at six aspects of the power of prayer as seen in the passage.

    Here Peter is waiting for whatever Herod may have in store for him. Escape by his own means is not an option. He is being guarded by 16 soldiers that work 6 hour shifts in fours. One soldier is chained to each side of him and the other two are standing outside the cell to make sure he can’t get more

  • Petrified In The Pew Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon looks at Christian service as a function of our worship.

    We have looked at… Prayer Praise Fellowship Giving Time in the Word and Repentance – response to the Word. Each one of these is a function or part of our worship to God and is also part of our being matured in Christ as we help others to mature in Christ. Today we will look at one more area of more

  • Deciding Not To Decide Is Still Deciding Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    This sermon looks at repentance and responding to God’s Word as a function of our worship.

    When Confronted with God’s Word how do you respond? King David was confronted by the Prophet Nathan in II Samuel 12. Let’s see what happened. Now let’s look at how David responded in Psalm 51. 1. Plea for Forgiveness (1-2) There are three different and distinct words used for sin they more

  • Dusty Bibles Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon looks at spending time in God’s Word as a function of our worship.

    Today we will look at what I believe is the most overlooked and neglected area of worship that we are to engage in. We have already looked at… Prayer Praise Fellowship And Giving As functions of our worship. Today we will look at spending time in God’s Word. “Be as careful of the books you more

  • Praiseworthy Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon looks at Praise as a function of our worship.

    Why is it when we think of worship we nearly always associate it with music? Most assuredly music is part of worship but just a part. It however, happens to be the part we will look at today. There must be some great truth underlying the instinct for worship. —Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge We will more