The Glory Inside.
Contributed by Howard Strickland on Feb 7, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: What do you think the Tent of Meeting, the Tabernacle, looked like? You might imagine it being very impressive, but not really, more than likely it looked dark, mostly black, or maybe it was a very dark shade of brown.
The Glory Inside.
Exodus 40:1-3
What do you think the Tent of Meeting, the Tabernacle, looked like? You might imagine it being very impressive, but not really, more than likely it looked dark, mostly black, or maybe it was a very dark shade of brown.
It’s outer covering was of badgers skin. So it’s appearance would have been dull, plain, and unattractive.
When God gave Moses instructions on how to build the desert tabernacle, he ordered that the tent be divided into two parts: a larger, outer chamber called the Holy Place, and an inner room called the Holy of Holies.
If you were a priest that was chosen to enter, if you were able to step inside, and once inside everything changed.
Exodus 40:1-3MSG God spoke to Moses: “On the first day of the first month, set up The Dwelling, the Tent of Meeting. Place the Chest of The Testimony in it and screen the Chest with the curtain.
Only the priests were allowed inside the Holy Place, the priests would see the table of showbread to their right, a golden lampstand to their left, and an altar of incense ahead, just in front of the veil separating the two chambers.
Moreover outside, in the tabernacle courtyard is where the Jewish people were allowed, all of the elements in the courtyard were made of bronze.
However inside the tabernacle tent, close to God, all the furnishings were made of precious gold.
1 Peter 1:7AMP so that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested and purified by fire, may be found to result in [your] praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
So the Apostle Peter teaches the believer that their faith is more precious than gold. -And as their faith is tested, God and all the heavenly host will honor you with praise.
If you lived in that day, and If you were able to step inside the Tent of Meeting, everything changed.
On the outside everything bronze, but as one steps into the Tent of Meeting everything becomes gold, dark grey on the outside, but gold, incense and bright lights from the Menorah. -The Table of presence were 12 loaves of unleavened bread. P.H
Again, The first of its chambers was called the holy place.
Again, Inside the holy place was the table of the presence, the altar of incense, and the seven branched menorah, each of gold, each a treasure of inestimable value.
The table of presence stood along the north wall of the tabernacle, opposite the lamp-stand. It’s made of acacia wood (symbolizing the humanity of Christ), and covered with pure gold (symbolizing His divinity), the table held twelve loaves of bread, which were eaten weekly by the priests.
The golden lamp stands were placed close to God, they were precious gold, symbolizing deity and holiness.
The golden lamp stand stood for God's life-giving-power. It echoed the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9)
The altar of incense in the wilderness tabernacle reminded the Israelites that prayer must play a central role in the life of God's people.
Sweet-smelling smoke from incense represented the people's prayers ascending to God.
2 Corinthians 2:15ESV For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing,
Burning this incense was a continuous act, just as we are to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
If you were to go into the Tent of Meeting, past the table of the presence, and if you were to venture, even deeper, you would find yourself in the Holy of Holies, with the Ark of the Covenant, within which were the 10 Commandments, and on top of which rested the glory of God.
All these things were hidden from the outside, and could only be seen from within.
So what looked plain, dull, unattractive, and of little worth on the outside, turned out to contain the greatest of treasures on the inside.
2 Corinthians 4:7TPT ”We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that this immeasurable power will be seen as God’s, not ours.“
Verse 7b…Everything accomplished should bring total praise back to God!
Back in Biblical times people would store their greatest treasure inside clay jars!
So what does this reveal? You can’t judge a clay jar or a tent by its covering? Yes, and much more than that.
In the world, most things appear more impressive and attractive on the outside and on the surface than on the inside.
A good illustration is a beach front motel. “O the lobby will be ornate, while the rooms are usually dated! P.H
Remember this, 100% of the time the reality is less than the appearance.