
Summary: The son of a Baptist preacher, J.C Penney was motivated by the golden rule. His first store was named, Golden Rule store, and he titled his autobiography 50 years with the Golden Rule.

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The Giving Game.

2 Corinthians 8:7NASB

I read a biography about the life and legacy of JC Penney, the founder of the department store by the same name. The C in J.C stood for cash, no kidding. But that wasn’t the motivation behind his entrepreneurial endeavors that resulted in 1600 department stores, bearing his name.

The son of a Baptist preacher, J.C Penney was motivated by the golden rule. His first store was named, Golden Rule store, and he titled his autobiography 50 years with the Golden Rule. During the great depression, Penney sake into his own depression. J.C. Penney found himself on the brink of bankruptcy, divorce. He even contemplated ending his life.

That crisis landed Penney in a sanitarium in 1932, but it was there that he found his way back to God. Wandering those lonely hospital hallways one morning, he heard from his childhood a song, “Do not dismayed, whatever betide, God will take care of you, all you need, He will provide. God will take care of you.” J.C. Penney followed the sound of that song into the sanatorium chapel, where doctors and nurses were worshiping God. One of the sanatorium staff read the words of Jesus: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Here's the rest of the story; J.C. Penney lived until the age of 94, and his life is a testament to the power of blessing. When he died in 1971, his empire of department stores had become America's second largest retailer behind Sears, with annual revenues of $4.1 billion.

Moreover, Penney used his net worth to add value to others, earning an interesting nickname: The man with a 1000 partners. His integrity and generosity affected many, and by the end of his life, J.C. Penney was reverse tithing – he was living off 10% and giving 90% of his income back to God!

2 Corinthians 8:7AMP But just as you excel in everything, [and lead the way] in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in genuine concern, and in your love for us, see that you excel in this gracious work [of giving] also.

Notice the Apostle Paul states, since you became a believer, you’re excelling in everything! Faith. Speech. Knowledge. Concern. Love.

Paul states, “See to it, or make sure, you also excel in giving.”

In a study, published in Science, Researchers, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton gave people, $20 and divided them into two groups.

The first group was told to spend the money on themselves. The second group was told to spend the money on someone else.

According to the findings, those who spent the money on someone else experience an increase in happiness. Those who spent the money on themselves did not.

Let’s look closer at this people, surely they were well-to-do, or possibly wealthy by inheritance.

2 Corinthians 8:1-6TPT Beloved ones, we must tell you about the grace God poured out upon the churches of Macedonia. 2For even during a season of severe difficulty, tremendous suffering, and extreme poverty, their super-abundant joy overflowed into an act of extravagant generosity. 3For I can verify that they spontaneously gave, not only according to their means but far beyond what they could afford. 4They actually begged us for the privilege of sharing in this ministry of giving to God’s holy people who are living in poverty. 5They exceeded our expectations by first dedicating themselves fully to the Lord and then to us, according to God’s pleasure. 6That is why we appealed to Titus, since he was the one who got you started and encouraged you to give, so he could help you complete this generous undertaking on your behalf.

Again, “What made these Macedonia saints stand out?” These saints gave out of gratefulness. They gave out of extreme poverty. They gave out of a season of severe difficulty, tremendous suffering!

Like the widow with two mites, these saints gave their livelihood, they gave while in lack!

Once more, 2 Corinthians 8:7NCV You are rich in everything—in faith, in speaking, in knowledge, in truly wanting to help, and in the love you learned from us. In the same way, be strong also in the grace of giving.

Notice that Paul calls this, “the grace of giving.”

In, 2 Corinthians 8:2, Listen for the heart of God. 2b... out from extreme poverty, their super-abundant joy overflowed into an act of extravagant generosity.

What kind of giving is this? I call it the Giving Game. And I believe that’s what Jesus called it.

Luke 6:38NCV Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over, it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.”

The Giving Game is played like this, “In everything you do, you give. In every way, give.” Give forgiveness. Receive forgiveness. Give love, Receive love. Give foot-washing, receive foot-washing. I challenge you in this Giving game, give praise, be grateful, give your time, find the pleasure, give your tithe, and as you give, you will receive.

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