The Final Judgments Series
Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 9, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: These judgments increase in severity as the Tribulation progresses. Chapter 15-16 is an introduction to the Bowl or Vial judgments, which are described in chapter 16.
Revelation, chapters 6 through 19, describes the events on earth during the coming Tribulation period. These are events of judgment, poured out by God on those dwelling on earth. These judgments come in three stages.
1. The seal judgments; Chapter 6.
2. The Trumpet judgments; Chapters 8-9.
3. The Bowl, or Vial judgments; Chapter 15-16.
These judgments increase in severity as the Tribulation progresses. Chapter 15-16 is an introduction to the Bowl or Vial judgments, which are described in chapter 16. Carefully notice this introduction.
I. Introduction to the Bowl Judgments. Revelation 15:1-8
1. John sees a great and marvelous sign in Heaven. In these next jour chapters, there are three great subjects. Verse 1
a. The great judgments; chapters 15-16.
b. The great harlot; chapter 17.
c. The great city; chapter 18.
2. This sign is great because the judgment soon will be over. The seven angels John sees are those with the seven final judgment, the bowl judgments. These judgments fill up or complete the wrath of God.
3. John next sees the victors over the beast, those who refused to worship Him. These victories stand on a sea of glass and have harps of God. they are victorious because of their faith in the Lod. Verse 2
4. These victors sing a song of praise to the Lord for all He has done for them. This song concerns the character of God, the One who is righteous, true, and eternal. He alone is able to judge the world. Verse 3-4
5. In the Old Testament, Moses ministered in an earthly tabernacle. The Lord, however, ministers today, and in that day, in the heavenly tabernacle. It is this tabernacle John sees. Verse 5-8
6. Who comes out of the temple? The seven angels, the ones with the seven final judgments of God. verse 6
a. Clothed in purity, clean and white lines.
b. And righteousness, golden girdles.
c. They are given the judgments to be poured out on earth. Verse 7.
7. This introduction closes with the temple being filled with, smoke from the glory of God and His power. Verse 8, Judgment manifests who God is and what He is able to do. Now the judgments!
II. The Seven Bowl Judgments. Revelation 16:1-2
1. The first judgment, verses 1-2, this judgment contains loathsome and malignant sores which come on those who have the mark of the beast and who worship his image.
2. The second judgment, verse 3, judgment on the seas of the earth that causes the sea to become like a dead person’s blood. As a result, every living thing in the sea dies.
3. The third judgment, verses 4-7, the third judgment is on the rivers and waters which also become blood; verse 6. Here the reason is given. His judgments are right and true.
4. The fourth judgement, verses 8-9, the sun intensifies its heat. Too much sun will one day be a judgment from God. will people turn to the Lord? No! instead, they will blaspheme the name of God and not repent.
5. The fifth judgment, verses 10-11; this judgment is poured out on the throne of the beast and his kingdom becomes dark and people gnaw their tongues in pain. This judgment produces physical torment.
a. Notice the hardness of sinner’s hearts.
b. Verse 11, they still do not repent of their deeds.
6. The sixth judgment, verses 12-16, this river runs across the northeast section of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq down to the Persian Gulf. One day the river will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east.
7. Who are the kings of the east? We are not told specifically, but together they form a confederacy, for the word kings is plural. They are also from the east, that is, east of Israel.
8. At this point, John describes the gathering of the nations of the world for the final campaign against God. Je first sees that demons are used to gather the nations together; verse 13.
9. For what war are these nations gathered? Although this war is popularly called the battle of Armageddon, here it is called the war of the great day of God, the Almighty; verse 14.
10. The place in Israel where this war will be fought is Armageddon, literally the hill of Megiddo. This place is located in northern Israel, halfway between Haifa and the Sea of Galilee.
11. The seventh judgment, verses 17-21, this is the final judgment before the return of Christ. With this, the judgments are finished. This judgment consists of widespread destruction lightning, thunder, and earthquake.
12. This earthquake splits the great city, Babylon, into three parts. In addition, many other cities fall, verse 19. Islands and mountains are also affected, verse 20.