The Divide Of The Cross
Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: An Easter sermon from Romans 6
Sermon for 4/15/2001
The Divide of the Cross
Romans 6:1-11
Missionaries, who serve in lands with other religions like Buddhism or Hinduism or Muslim, know the importance of baptism. To retain converts there must be a public baptism. Just to pray in private is not enough. Must be a public declaration of Christianity and baptism is it. Before baptism, a person in this culture can live in two worlds, his old religious world and also in the Christian world. A little bit of Christianity and a little bit of his old religion will make him safe. However, to be baptized publicly into Christ, means that this person renounces his old ways, his old religion, sometimes his family, and lives only for Christ. It is an important step for people in these lands. Without it, Christianity will never stick in these lands. Surrendering all to Jesus Christ.
From time to time I hear preachers say that you can be saved right there in your pew. To be baptized is just too difficult a step for some to take. God can do the work of salvation without baptism. After all, we live in a Christian nation and we do not have so much to renounce of our old life. Is that right? Is that correct? This Old World is doomed to destruction. We have a lot to forsake.
A. Before our friend day, we were going over Christ’s words from the cross.
1. First word- forgiveness
2. Second word- Salvation
3. Third word- affection
4. Fourth word- anguish
5. Fifth word- suffering
6. Sixth word- victory
7. Seventh word- contentment.
B. In the beginning, at Creation, God made a place for himself. However, that Creation was ruined.
C. The kingdom of this world is not the kingdom of God.
D. This world does not submit to the authority of God. Man is his own authority.
E. Man lives like Satan. Pride, who needs God. The Prince of this world. People follow his example.
F. In Satan’s hand, the first creation has become the old creation, and God’s primary concern is no longer with that but with a second and new creation. A new creation where His Son has the supremacy.
G. (Col 1:13 NIV) For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves
H. If we are Christians, we are part of the kingdom of the Son.
I. Our citizenship is there and not here.
J. God must make us new creatures in the new creation. That which is of the old creation can never pass over into the new.
K. (John 3:5 NIV) Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.(John 3:6 NIV) Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
L. The Spirit will inherit the new creation; the flesh will inherit the old creation.
M. (2 Cor 5:17 NIV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone the new has come!
N. How are we made new?
1. The Cross was the means God used to bring to an end the old things by setting aside our old man, and the resurrection was the means He used to impart to us all that was necessary for our life in that new world.
2. The greatest negative in the universe is the Cross, for with it God wiped out everything that was not of Himself;
3. The greatest positive in the universe is the resurrection, for through it God brought into being all He will have in the new creation.
4. May be a good man in the old creation, but if we are a part of the old creation, we will inherit destruction.
5. For it is by the Cross that God has made a way of escape for us from that old creation.
6. This brings us to the subject of baptism.
7. Baptism is associated with salvation. Not baptismal regeneration, but baptismal salvation through Jesus Christ and the cross and resurrection.
8. Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38.
Thesis: Let’s continue to look at baptism as identification with Jesus into his death, burial, and resurrection.
For instances:
I. Death.
A. Give scenes time to set up and dwell upon them.
B. Before our salvation, we were involved in Satan’s world-system. To be saved is to make our exit from this world-system into God’s.
C. How do we make our exit? By dying with Christ. Romans 6:6.
D. (Gal 5:24 NIV) Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
E. Does this mean that we need to be crucified like Christ? Is this the only way to be saved? This would make no sense.