
Summary: In the greatest of places, & the most secure feeling of places. The devil still creeps in.

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Sermon- The Devil creeps in

Q- How often do we think of the way the devil works?

Q- Does he do things out in the open for all to see, or does he move like a magician

craftily moving this hand while you’re looking at this one?

- The devil is not a being that will leave you alone because you told him to.

- He will not stop because you don’t follow him.

- I’m trying to keep up with comments posted to both Facebook, & YouTube. I had to

learn Sunday night how to remove a post, because someone had posted a smutty


- I saw the comment, & I was at first struck with the feeling of how could you post

something like this on a church’s YouTube channel.

- Then I realized, they’re just doing as their master calls them to do.

- It was in that moment that my prayer went from questioning their motive, to

Lord help them break free from his grip.

Q- How many people are serving the devil, & don’t even realize it?

Q- How often do we think of the people we call snake oil salesmen?

- They’ll sale you the biggest piece of junk, & say it’s the greatest thing since sliced


- Guess What Satan is.

2 Corinthians 2:11

11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

- The Greek word Pleonekteo is the Word KJV defines as should get an advantage of


- One Word gives us the meaning of this statement, defraud. Satan wants to

defraud us.

- He will use any means to have us follow him.

- I know he’s the father of lies. I hope that all that are listening to me knows he’s

the father of lies, but I know he has a mass of people following him.


- Listen to Jesus’ warning in Matthew 15:14.

Matthew 15:14

14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

- Jesus tells us there are people who do not realize they are going the wrong way.

Q- Are we supposed to get angry with these people for going the wrong way?

- If you stop & watch some of the things they do. Yeah, it does bring a little fury.

Q- Does that help?

Q- Does it help to know they’re blind while they do it?

- If you saw a man with a large stick walking down a street. He keeps walking into

people, & hitting them with his stick.

- At first you might think, what is this person doing.

Q- How does your emotions change when you find out he’s blind?

- You feel compassionate towards him. He still ran into & hit all those people, but

now you want to help him.

- This is the compassion Jesus gives to us.

Q- Remember the Words, Father forgive them for they know no what they do?

- Jesus knows that if Satan can make us forget that we are serving him, he will

always have control of us. That’s right, he’s the master.

- He does this by defrauding us.

- There’s a world out there that doesn’t know of the care, compassion, or Love the

flows from the very heart of God, of Jesus.

- They cannot see the Man that defended the priest’s servant who had his ear cut

off, & then healed it. All before he took Him to be judge, & then crucified!

- Jesus knew the agenda the priest’s servants had. They had come to seize

whoever Judas kissed.

- At the sound of His voice, all the guards could have fallen as dead men, but

listen to how Jesus responded after Malchus’ ear was cut off.

Luke 22:51-53

51 And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.

52 Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, which were come to him, Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves?

53 When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

- Those Words, Suffer ye. That’s the Greek word eaó (eh-ah'-o)Which means allow


- Here’s the great awakening, the men standing before Jesus were blind. Their leaders

were blind, & in their darkness they are about to do something no other person, who

could see, would ever do. They were going to have Christ crucified!

- Jesus said, this is your hour, the hour of darkness.

Q- Why would He allow such a thing be done to Him?

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