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  • From Self To Christ

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    You are made new.

    Sermon - From self to Christ - On Friday Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New year began. It runs from Friday at sunset to Sunday at sunset. This is the celebration of the Jewish New year, & it is the beginning of the Ten day’s leading up to Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. - This is more

  • In The Presence Of God

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Have we ever considered what it’s like to be in the presence of a Holy & Mighty God?

    Sermon: In the presence of God Have we ever considered what it’s like to be in the presence of a Holy & Mighty God? - In the presence of God, - Moses’ face glowed, & his hair turned white. - Soldiers fell as dead men by His Words. - The woman with the issue of blood knew that if she more

  • This Too Shall Pass

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    How many of you hold to our statement of, this too shall pass? - We faithfully hold to this thought, but it’s not found in scripture.

    Sermon- This too shall pass. - I wish I was standing at the pulpit right now. So I could see a show of hands, as I ask this question. Q- How many of you hold to our statement of, this too shall pass? - We faithfully hold to this thought, but it’s not found in scripture. - Here’s the topic more

  • Columbus Day 2020

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    Happy Columbus Day!

    Sermon- Columbus Day 2020 - Tomorrow we celebrate Columbus Day. I know that we have so many different ideas for how America was founded, but in the history of Columbus we see something very unique. - Christopher had devised a plan to sail west from Spain to Asia. The trade route by more

  • The Pursuit Of Increase

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    We want so desperately to be increased.

    Sermon - The pursuit of increase - I was thinking about Columbus again, & what I call our passions. - When we set our hearts on something. There’s not much that can sway us from achieving what we have our hearts set on. - Something we strive for, more than anything is, to be more

  • Fatigue Has Come

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What happens when we are wore out?

    Sermon: Fatigue has come. - Fear, This has been the word that has gripped our world since the beginning of this year. - Now Fear has boiled over to fatigue. Q- How many of you are tired of masks, hand sanitizers, fear of going out, & simply making one wrong move & touch more

  • Refreshed

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    A time of refreshing.

    Sermon refreshed - We reset our clocks last night. With doing that, I thought, it’s like turning the clock back on our lives. - Listen to what Paul wrote to Titus in speaking to the young men in Crete. Paul gave a description fitting for both young men, & all Christians. - In the day more

  • God Reigns

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    What truly matters is, God Reigns!

    Sermon - God Reigns - Elections come, & elections go. Leaders are brought in, & leaders go. - It seems like a year has just begun, & the year is almost done. - The life we live is but for a moment, & then it’s done. - If this is all that life is, then we are miserable! more

  • Veteran’s Day 2020

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    Happy Veteran’s Day

    Sermon- Veterans Day 2020 - We celebrated Veterans Day Wednesday. I was thinking about what it means for us to have had our veterans who willingly serve, & served our country. - The freedom that we have today. Came from what they were willing to do for us. - Let’s open more

  • Thanksgiving 2020

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Nov 22, 2020

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Sermon: Thanksgiving 2020 - I must say that I can think of some happier Thanksgivings that we’ve had. - On the other hand, I can also say that we have a lot to be thankful for. - Let me open with our scripture that screams Thanksgiving, & let’s look at a reason to be more

  • The Lord Is Merciful

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Sep 7, 2020

    Do we remember the mercy our God has poured out for us?

    Sermon - The Lord is merciful outline - There is something that I don’t think this world gets a clear picture of, & that’s mercy. Q- How Do we rate ourselves towards how merciful our Lord is? - Don’t worry, we all fail this test. It’s a test that just shows us how great our Lord is. more

  • The Devil Creeps In.

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Sep 7, 2020

    In the greatest of places, & the most secure feeling of places. The devil still creeps in.

    Sermon- The Devil creeps in Q- How often do we think of the way the devil works? Q- Does he do things out in the open for all to see, or does he move like a magician craftily moving this hand while you’re looking at this one? - The devil is not a being that will leave you alone because you more

  • Graduation Of A Christian

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Aug 23, 2020

    Life is full of milestones, changes, & growing up. Each day of our lives we become a little bit different, each day. The change isn’t always one that is visible, or even one that we notice, but we still change.

    Sermon - Graduation of a Christian - In this Pandemic a lot has changed, & a lot has been forgotten/overlooked. - I realized, I have not brought a message geared towards graduation. - Life is full of milestones, changes, & growing up. - Each day of our lives we become a little more

  • Father’s Day 2020

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Aug 23, 2020

    anyone can be a daddy, but it takes a real man to be a father!

    Sermon Father's Day 2020 Today is Father's Day. Let’s take a look at what it means to be a Dad. - Throughout scripture, God has a thing or two to say about the man’s role. - This is God's standards, & not man’s. - I’ve used this quote before, but it still more

  • Run To The Mountains

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Aug 23, 2020

    Where will we run in time of need?

    Sermon - Run to the mountains - I’m going to bring you a message that is, in part, a lot like the scales being rolled back from my eyes. - This is a message geared towards our Independence Day that we celebrated yesterday. - Today I see mankind being brought to life, & it has more