The Cry Of The Helpless Series
Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Oct 9, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: The helpless cry out for God to act, they cry out for God to help, & they cry out for God to judge.
TEXT: PSALM 10:12-18
- We’re continuing our study through the book of Psalms.
- Last time we were together, we looked at the first 11 verses of Chapter 10, where we’re given a description of the wicked.
- We saw that the wicked are godless, the wicked are prideful, and the wicked are violent & blasphemous.
- Today, we’re going to look at the second part of the chapter where we look at the cry of the helpless who are being oppressed by the wicked.
- I’m reminded of when Aaron and Leah were newborn babies.
- They couldn’t do anything on their own.
- They couldn’t speak…
- They couldn’t walk…
- They couldn’t move around much…
- But they could cry!
- They quickly figured out that when they needed something, the way to get mommy and daddy’s attention was to cry.
- At that age, it usually meant they were hungry.
- Other times, it meant they needed a diaper change.
- Other times, they just wanted to be held.
- It’s amazing to me that God created them with the instinct to cry out when they were helpless, knowing that help would come.
- I believe God has given Christians that instinct as well, to cry out to Him when we’re helpless, knowing that He will answer and help us.
- So, let’s look at 3 ways the helpless cry out in these verses.
- One of the things I can’t stand is politics.
- Whenever elections come around, you’ll see all sorts of ads going around attacking the candidates.
- It can get very messy sometimes.
- Recently, there has been a lot of commotion over whether or not Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed by the Senate to become a Supreme Court Justice.
- Sadly, it has taken a stand-still because of the last-minute accusations being hurled against him.
- Unfortunately, Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins has not decided whether or not she will confirm him or not.
- Before the accusations were made against the Judge, she and 1 or 2 other Senators held the deciding votes on whether or not he would be confirmed.
- Since she’s a Republican, you’d think it’d be a no-brainer…
- Unfortunately, Senator Collins just so happens to support abortions.
- Judge Kavanaugh is Pro-Life, so that is one reason she has hesitated on deciding whether or not she will support him.
- So, I decided to be a good citizen, and contact my Senator and urge her to act on confirming him.
- I wrote a nice long email, and clicked the box asking for a reply.
- A few hours later, I received an email back, but it was only 2 or 3 sentences, and she didn’t answer my question.
- It was just a very generic, “Thank you for contacting me” email.
- Obviously, my email didn’t do any good because she still hasn’t made up her mind, and now there’s a whole other mess happening with the confirmation process, which has been delayed even longer now.
- Anyways, I reached out to her to act, but it didn’t do me any good.
- Even if I’d gone to her office, and pled on my knees with tears in my eyes, it wouldn’t have done any good…
- She would have given me the same response.
- Thankfully, when we reach out to God to act during our times of trouble, and we cry out to Him, He does listen, and He does act.
- That’s what we see happening here as the helpless cry out to the Lord, urging Him to take action.
- Remember, in the first 11 verses, we’ve seen what lengths the wicked go to oppress and abuse the helpless.
- Obviously, the helpless can’t do anything on their own to stop the wicked.
- So, their cry is to God Almighty, whose hand can squash the enemy.
- They say, “Lift up your hand”, which is a picture of God’s strength and power, which is a strength and power that the enemy can’t fight against.
- But look at the way they’re crying out to Him…
- The last part of vs 12 says they’re asking Him, “Do not forget the humble…”
- So, they’re not demanding for God to act on their behalf…
- They’re not giving God an ultimatum to act or they will renounce Him…
- No, they’re humbly coming before Him, crying out for Him to act against the wicked.
- As Christians, we should follow their example.
- We don’t deserve anything from God, so when we’re going before Him to cry out for Him to act, we must remember this, and be humble.