
Summary: This morning asking what would Jesus do WWJD can only be answered after we know what Jesus did and willing to do the same thing.

The compassion of Jesus


This morning we begin a series “WWJD” What would Jesus do.

The series is designed to look at Jesus as our model of life and help us to be more like-Christ.

The development of being a disciple of Jesus. We know we will not measure up, but we can be determined in our life to be working on it.

To understand the importance of allowing God to work in our lives. We live in a day and age where God is not a priority in most people’s life.

Spiritual awakening is important but most of the time, they do it without God and it tends to be more religious than working on relationship.

Two scriptures from last week are ones that I want you to memorize and put deep into your heart.

Isaiah 43:19-

“See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness.”

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

As we journey together, understand that God

He wants to do a new thing in our lives

He wants us to be more-Christ-like.

He has a plan and it is not to harm us but prosper us in spiritual ways as well as pour out some blessings.

He desires to fill us with hope and for us to know that we have a future in Him.

Let’s pray

This morning let look at compassion.

What would Jesus do concerning having compassion for those that He came in contact with and what does it mean for believers following Jesus.

Do we simply write the check so to speak?

Meet the need. Help people out without any personal contact or is their more to it?

We know that Jesus had compassion but there were different sides of Jesus compassion that we need to look at.

Jesus warned people of their shortcomings and there wayward actions against God and His commandments-

Compassion is warning

Jesus used words like Beware, watch out, take heed, and to listen.

These are warnings because after these words of warning comes the result of not doing them.

This is compassion too- The ability to love someone enough to tell them that they have gone off track.

I think this is the hardest form of compassion because;

we do not want to offend

we do not want to lose friendship

we do not want to embarrass anyone.

It is awkward. If it is not done right, we risk alienation from the person we love.

But to say nothing, is that compassion?

To pretend he/she is okay when you know they are not… is that compassion?

To watch them spiral out of control- what responsibility do we have?

If we do not take opportunity to get involve, restore, maybe at times rebuke… will we be held responsible?

Will we stand before God for missed opportunities because of what we did not say to those that God put in our path?

That side of compassion weighs heavy on my heart. I want to be a witness, and I am sure you do too, but we want to do it in a right way.

To those that protest at gravesites and funerals of gay people and servicemen/women are not compassionate- they are haters filled with anger and use God’s name to further their cause. Nowhere in God’s word did Jesus do that.

In the 60’s preachers preaching hell fire and brimstone and trying to scare people into the kingdom of God. In worked then but didn’t last. Today, it literally pushed people away from God.

The truth has to be preached, but it has to be preached for the right reasons.

If the truth is to set us free, it is preached, spoken for the way of restoration, redemption, fellowship and relationship.

Truth preached for any other reason is not compassion but hatred.

Apostle Paul says (Acts 20:18)

“You know how I lived the whole time I was with you… I served the Lord with great humility.”

Pride is a terrible trait and does not come from God.

Pride breeds quarrels.

Pride separates us from God and from others.

When we have to have the “best seats” insisting on recognition, wanting to be noticed.

When we stop progress just because we can and do not want someone to move ahead because of wrong motives and then we carry that into ministry for God… we will be held accountable by God.

One writer put it this way- “Never think that in lowering yourself you have less power for good. On the contrary, in this humbling yourself you are imitating and using the same means that Jesus used. You are walking in His way and therefore in His truth, and you are in the right state to receive life and impart it to others.”

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