The Church Of Christ 4
Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus' parable of the sower taught the truth of receiving the word of God, from the beginning to everlasting life wherein the will of man is challenged to meet the rigorous standard coming out of the word of God---to live with us for ever..
Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (March 8, 2016)
“And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:...” (St. Luke 8:4-21, King James Version [The parable of the sower]).
Greetings In The Holy Name Of Jesus,
My sisters and brothers, Blessed art Thou, God our Lord, King of the Universe, Our Lord and Savior, who createst the fruit of the tree. Blessed art Thou, God our Lord, King of the Universe, Our Lord and Savior, who art good and art doing good. In the past weeks I heard the story of a young woman who missed her mother and when she was asked, If your mother were here, what would you do? The young woman replied, I would go to church with my mother (ABC, 2016). I, also, experienced moments of missing my mother, of the flesh, now deceased, while in church, when the pastor's wife chose some to embrace with a hug and I was one she chose not to embrace with a hug, so I thought to myself---openly pondering the feelings in my heart, not rejecting anyone, perhaps this young woman felt rejection from an embrace, a hand shake, a kiss, or an intimate talk, in fellowship, in the one body, either before church service or after church service.
The following day, on The Lord's Day, I chose to remain at home and I watched the five ministers I usually see and one of the five preached about technology and how easily accessible the preachings of so many ministers were, just as easily taking away the numbers sitting in the pews in the congregation who gather together in the local churches, to worship. The pastor of one of the five local churches spoke of a religious study conducted in a local church with a mission that hoped to make a difference in church service attendance that questioned members to discover the reasons why the one body chose not to attend church, opting to watch a televised ministry or internet ministry, instead. He said, one person said scheduling became a problem---noting when the schedule changed no notification by telephone, snail mail, email, text or visit was received by him to collect his input in the decision making process, so of course the feelings of “left out” came to my mind when I heard this reason. Another person said, “I asked the pastor to go see my cousin and he did not go.” I could not help but think whether he replicated the study done in this other local church especially since his last televised ministry sermon spoke on standing in the gap, with his members of the one body to ascertain a far better understanding of the ones God gave to him concerning church attendance at his location.
Most importantly, I reflected where the preaching of all five of the ministers took me in my heart and mind, wherein I resolved to think to myself that, in a corrupt world more information is not necessarily the answer for the fishing exploration or better yet to plant a good seed, only desired information charted in desired waters to receive desired fish or only information on fertile sections of desired ground to receive desired seed by the desired fish or the desired seed are not necessarily the answer as much as the expected generalized answer---a calculated outcome but Jesus specifically spoke to each problem, without prejudice so that the fish that received the seed grew in faith. Folks, we pick and choose outcome that are sometimes outside of our will and outside the will of God. Furthermore, my heart opened up to the young woman who missed her mother and who wanted to go to church with her mother. Must we all come to church with our mother? Also, my heart opened up to the man who committed to attend meetings “left out” of the decision making process at his local church, of which I felt no one wanted to feel “left out”.
We find in our holy gospel readings, Jesus did not think of any reasoning as petty or even immature---babyish, even condescending---not suitable to enter in thought processes of the laws or the thought processes of the grace of God. Jesus intimately ministered to the woman of Samaria commonly known as the woman at the well,
“Jesus saith unto her, Go call thy husband, and come hither. The
woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou
hast well said, I have no husband: For thou hast had five husbands; in
that saidst thou truly. The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that
thou art a prophet” (St. John 4:9-15, 16-19, KJV [The woman of Samaria]).
Moreover, we find Jesus firstly gave the woman of Samaria the answer to her problem before he told her what her problem was---her truth---so that she might see he looked inside her heart and mind and he knew---he felt her feelings and offered to put the gift of God in her---the well of living water, springing up into everlasting life (verses 9-15) and the feelings she had that the Jews (Judah---those of Jerusalem---her kin through Jacob, who had no dealings with the Samaritans (Israel), was not a factor in whether she received the living water or not, for he did not respond to her comment about how the Jews and Samaritans [Judah and Israel] had no dealings with each other, for Jesus was of the House of David which came out of Judah and Judah came out of Israel (Jacob) [verse 12, for the well was given to them by Jacob].