
Summary: Living in these last days is difficult. We look at the wrath of God that is coming and the display of sin in the world. When we understand this current world, then we appreciate what God delivered us from. Seeking the lost should result.

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Thanks for taking the time to study God’s word with us. Thanks to God for those He blesses. The purpose of these talks is to strengthen one another in days that are confusing and ambiguous and difficult; to encourage one another as we see that day approaching. We shall be considering where this world is going, and how the Christian is to live in it. When I was previously here in England, I was hugely impressed when I saw the inside of Centenary Methodist church in Boston, the sheer size and seating capacity of 1200, but the congregation there now is around the 100 mark. All through my area of Australia numbers are fast reducing in mainline churches and the church fellowships are growing older. If one becomes a Christian, the world reports say “got religion” almost with disdain.

I want to make this clear. Our days are going to become more unsettling, more uncertain, more confusing, and more difficult for Christians to remain faithful to the Lord. We will quickly delve into a relevant passage for our times –

2Timothy 3:1 “Realise this, that in the last days DIFFICULT TIMES will come” (especially for the Christian, but even more widespread – the rise of Islam and the spread of world violence and terrorism – the economic situation that sees the rich becoming richer and the poor ever increasing – and countries falling further into debt. The word “difficult” means “times of hardship”.)

2Timothy 3:2 for men will be LOVERS OF SELF (the me generation – Y generation – “it’s all about you.” It means selfishness and climbing upon others.). The ME generation - all about ME.

LOVERS OF MONEY (corporate greed is at an all time high – the whole of American philosophy that has permeated all societies now, seems to be about profit and more profit, and any corrupt method to obtain it is acceptable. Greed is so widespread, and also personal.)

BOASTFUL, ARROGANT (young female drivers in my residential area – police and politicians – people of demanding self-importance, inconsiderate to others.)

REVILERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNGRATEFUL (it’s MY right – wanting more and more at the expense of others, users for their own promotion – never satisfied)

UNHOLY (we see the most profane and godless display across the face of the world – blasphemers especially in America – Government policies that promote godless practices like homosexuality and gender distortion in children – religious education being taken out of schools, abolition of prayers.)

2Timothy 3:3 UNLOVING, IRRECONCILABLE (lack of peace and harmony – all is conflict and entrenched positions – particularly bad in ethnic situations. Satan hates peace and harmony.)

MALICIOUS GOSSIPS, WITHOUT SELF-CONTROL (“reckless” the AV used – the old nature spurring on to more and more lack of restraint – more and more fuelled by drugs and alcohol – lack of ability to refrain from what is wrong.)

BRUTAL (brutality in ever more graphic movies and computer games and more lust for extreme violence in Internet material – desensitising of humanity – inhuman, heartless, cruel. The world is being prepared for times that are coming.)

HATERS OF GOOD – (all that is good in the bible, is being reversed – lying is acceptable, bribes are common place, marriage has been dishonoured – {{Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.”}})

2Timothy 3:4 TREACHEROUS, RECKLESS, CONCEITED, LOVERS OF PLEASURE RATHER THAN LOVERS OF GOD (Playstations, entertainment, sport continuously, computer games, many featuring sex, violence, the occult, nightclubs, gaming, etc, etc)

2Timothy 3:5 (and) HOLDING TO A FORM OF GODLINESS (these are the days of Laodicea with its contented Christianity and its insincerity – having a bit of religion to feel right; social and liberal Christianity.), although they have denied its power. Avoid such men as these.

We conclude this very small examination with “Now, how do we live in these days when these pressures are upon us as Christians? What resources and advice has God given us? How are we to understand our times?”


1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 9 - Destined not for wrath, but for salvation

{{1Thessalonians 5:9 “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”}}

We will begin by considering just this one verse. Plain and simple, what does this verse say? It has two parts – one part will not apply to Christians, and one part will apply. The part Christians won’t have, is the wrath. We are not ordained to any part of wrath. This is extremely important to understand because it is fundamental to the position we have in our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. It says we have not been destined to wrath. That is, we are not appointed to wrath. We will never be part of God’s wrath.

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