
Summary: Examines the characteristics that a Christian should radiate in their life.

The Characteristics of a Christian

Matthew 5 verses 1-16, 38-48

I. Introduction

II. This message is dealing with the inner state of the mind and a heart that is the indispensable absolute of true Christian discipleship.

a. Explains the outward manifestation of character and conduct of true believers and genuine disciples.

i. Life of a believer is a life of grace and glory which comes from God alone.

ii. Some want to make the product of life a product of human effort which just shows the depths that human depravity.

iii. As a follower of Christ we are to have the following characteristics.

1. We are to be poor in spirit

a. We are humbled by the grace of God and have acknowledged their sin and their dependence on God.

b. Will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven

2. We mourn and we will be comforted

a. Those who mourn for sin in this world and in their life will confronted by confession

3. We are to be meek

a. Those who have been humbled before God will not be seekers of violence.

b. Does not mean that a man can not nor should not protect his family or nation.

4. We hunger and thirst after righteousness

a. Posses a deep desire for a personal righteousness

b. This desire shall be filled if we seek it

5. Are merciful and should obtain mercy

a. Because the Holy Spirit is in them they have a mercy that defies explanation by the unregenerate world.

b. Many will think we are weak because we give mercy to those who would hurt us.

c. This is not something that we can develop on our own it is something that we receive from God through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

6. Are pure in heart and shall see God

a. Their lives have been transformed by the grace of God.

b. The process of sanctification is ever confirming us to the image of Christ.

7. We are to be peacemakers because we are the children of God.

a. Since we are at peace with God we desire to be at peace with all men.

b. This peace allows us to be Christ’s ambassadors to a world full of darkness.

8. We are persecuted for righteousness sake

a. We are in direct contrast to the world in which we live.

9. We are reviled by the world

a. The world does not want to see God. They know that He exists but would much rather live in sin than to be convicted by sin. Satan’s grip on many is so hard that they no longer seek salvation.

10. We will be rewarded

a. Our rewards are not here on Earth though we do receive many blessings while here. No our rewards are laid up in heaven.

11. We are salt of the Earth

Characteristics of Salt

1. Flavors

a. Do you leave a nice flavor to those who live, work, and know you.

b. People are to look at us and recognize the flavor that follows us.

2. Preserves

a. Salt was used in the ancient world to preserve meat. To keep it from rotting and ruining.

b. Jesus describe us as salt because we also are to be preserves as we seek souls to preserve them from Hell.

3. Melts coldness

a. Salt is used to melt ice more rapidly. Does you life reflect Jesus? Is He working through you to melt the cold hearts of the unbelievers?

b. Have you open yourself up and said Here Lord fill my vessel? Let me be a servant for you.

4. Heals wounds

a. Are you allowing Christ to use you to heal a world fatally wounded by sin.

11. Light of the world

Describes our essential mission here on earth.

1. We are condition (salt) to meet the world’s needs. We are a mission (light) to a dark world. That is why He has left us here after we are saved to be a light to a dark and cold world.

a. Our light is to clearly shine not be hidden.

b. Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness cannot dispel light but the smallest light can dispel darkness.

12. Love for our enemies

1. Should respond to personal injury with love.

2. Does not mean that we should not defend our family and country.

3. Instead we should not attempt personal vengeance.

4. This is not a natural love. Man does not naturally love his enemy. This type of love Agape love comes only from God and the only way that you can have it is to be one of His children.


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