The Book Of Wanderings
Contributed by Maurice Brown on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Big lessons for us from Numbers.
A. Numbers is the Book of Wanderings
1. It is a book we must read for it speaks a
message to our generation.
2. Be sure your sins will find you out.
3. It is a record of rebellion and disobedience
by God’s chosen people.
B. Why is it called the Book of Numbers?
1. Because of two numberings of the Israelites.
2. The first was on Mt. Sinai and the second on
Mt. Moab 40 years later
C. Key chapters are 13-14 - this is the turning point
1. Israel refuse to go up and conquer the land -
they are filled with fear not faith
2. God judges Israel 14:34 by causing them to
wander 40 years in wilderness,instead of an
11 day journey. Great tragedy we can learn
I. THE OLD GENERATION (1:1 - 10:10)
A. This was the generation that was brought out
of Egypt by God’s Love
1. He now organizes, sanctifies, and
prepares them for their journey
2. God takes care of their outward and
inward conditions.
B. God’s Chosen people today are found in His
Church - Gal.6:16
1. He is leading us as pilgrims through our
wilderness to a better place.
2. We need to be organized and sanctified for
the challenges that lie ahead
3. Working as a team, united in purpose,
priorities and plans.
A. Israel follows God step by step until the Land
of Canaan is in sight
1. Then something tragic and disastrous
happens at Kadesh.
2. They draw back in unbelief, and begin to
complain endlessly.
3. When God’s people start to complain, then
there is unbelief in the camp
B. Chapters 10-12 are a chorus of grumbling
1.We need to read these and ask - Lord, is it I?
2.Do I complain like them sometimes? Phil.2:14
3.Like them, we often forget God’s faithfulness
and goodness.
C. Not all were guilty of these things
1. Joshua and Caleb were great men of Faith and
2. Joshua became Moses successor after he
died - Josh.1
3. Caleb was one of the spies who said they
could easily conquer the land 13:30
D. Here we see the voice of Fear vs. the voice of
1. Fear said No, while Faith said a resounding
2. Fear looked at the Giants, while Faith
looked at God. 13:31-33
E. What about us? What do we see when faced with
1. We need to be like Caleb - A man determined
to hang tough.
2. He had dogged determination that came from
his consistent obedience to God, he was a
man who had a vision of what God could do,
and he was a man who had a dream.
F. How we need to have more Caleb’s in the Church
1. We need to have determined Christians who will
not give up, and bow to the majority who will
not want to go forward by faith. Josh.14:14
2. We need men and women of vision who have the
ability to see above and beyond the majority,
and see things as God sees them. Prov.29:18
3. We need Christians who are not afraid to dream
big dreams for God, and not think small. How
big is your God? Your answer will determine
the size of your dreams! Walk by faith not by
sight, and make your dreams come true!
4. See a united church, evangelizing the lost,
baptizing people into Christ, growing
numerically and spiritually. It CAN happen,
but only if we believe it, and then determine
to make it happen.
A. What happened to the old generation?
1. The answer - 14:29 - the painfully high
cost of rebellion against God.
2. There had to be a new generation with a new
way of thinking.
3. New census, instructions and leader before
God’s people could move forward.
B. Gone were the unbelieving hearts, complaining
spirits, grumbling mouths,and rebellious
1. Replaced by a positive people with
attitude of faith and trust in God.
2. The new generation would learn from the
mistakes of the old generation, and would
press forward to the promised land
3. Heb.3:7-19 The warning is clear - don’t be
like the old generation. Be different!
Listen to God’s Word. Believe,obey,& Trust.
4. Follow the Lord wholeheartedly, not
half heartedly!
5. Will we do that? We have a choice - to
wander around aimlessly or stand still
or to go forward by faith - What will it
be for me-you-us?
6. We must decide which direction to go -
backwards, forwards, or do nothing?
7. Lets all together go God’s way-FORWARD!
and take as many with us as we can along
our journey to the Promised Land.