
Summary: In our last message on Mark, we looked at the LORD’S FAME.

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A rock and roll band called “The Beatles,” came to America during the early 60’s. I could never understand why, but they became famous around the world.

I love good spiritual and secular music, but I have never cared for people screaming through a microphone. They call it music but I call it noise.

These hard rock groups actually dress up like devils because their music is so hellish.

Illus: The story goes that Tom Fogerty has died. He wakes up and finds himself on a stage on which a number of instruments are set up.

Offstage, a door opens and in walks Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, John Lennon, Otis Redding, and Buddy Holly.

Each musician picks up his favorite instrument and begins tuning up.

? Tom walks up to Jimi and says, "Man, so this is what heaven is like."

? Jimi looks at him and says, "Heaven? You think this is heaven?"

There are folks who actually think they are in heaven when they hear this racket, but I think of the opposite.

I understand we all have our choice of music. The style of music I prefer may not be the style you prefer. I understand that!

But I think all of our music should be able to be understood and the songs should have some meaning.

Illus: Driving downtown one Saturday, the father tuned the radio to a country and western station.

? "How can you stand that stuff?" complained his 16-year-old son. “It's all about lonesome cowboys, gunfights and broken hearts."

? Knowing he preferred rock 'n' roll, the dad asked, "Well, what's your music about?"

? "That's the beauty of it," the son said. "You just don't know!"

This group that called themselves “The Beatles” became wealthy and famous for the NOISE that they made! In fact, they became so famous that one of them made the statement that they were more POPULAR THAN JESUS CHRIST!

I challenge that statement. Over two thousands years have come and gone, and when you mention “Beatles,” people think of an insect.

If you mention the name of Jesus Christ, people immediately have thoughts of the greatest person that ever walked on this earth.

? Thousands and thousands of songs have been written about Him.

? Thousands and thousands of ministers have dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel of Christ.

? Thousands of missionaries have left their luxurious homes to live in a country deprived of the necessities of life, to spread the gospel.

? Millions of Christians have built churches all around the world where people can come and worship Him each week.

? Millions of Sunday School teachers prepare Sunday school lessons each week to teach the gospel of Christ.

? More books have been written about Him than any individual that has ever lived on this earth.

? There are literally thousands of Bible Colleges and Seminaries that exist for the purpose of training ministers to go out and preach the Word of God.

He is the most famous individual that has every existed.

Illus: Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of Christ” shocked the world and set all kinds of records because people wanted to go out and learn more about the Lord Jesus. The Hollywood crowd was shocked that such a picture would set such records in attendance.

Make no mistake about it; the Lord Jesus Christ is the most famous person to ever walk on this earth.

We looked at THE LORD’S FAME. In this message, let’s look at -


Look at verse 14, we read, “And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him.”

Jesus went forth by the lakeshore, that is, by the Sea of Galilee. The crowds of people now flocking to Him were so many that no building or street was large enough to hold them.

As he traveled, He saw Levi the tax collector collecting taxes.

Tax collectors are considered to be honorable people in the days in which we live. However, during the days when the Lord Jesus was here on earth, they were hated and despised for a number of reasons

WHY WERE TAX COLLECTORS HATED DURING THIS TIME? Because tax collectors have enormous power and they know it. Often they abuse this power that is invested in them.

Illus: Did you know that the IRS could literally take your home from you and put you on the street? If you owe $10,000 dollars in back taxes, they can sell your home and get the $10,000 to pay your taxes and your penalties.

BUT GET THIS! Suppose your home is worth a ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. That would leave $90,000 equity. But what a lot people do not know and is that they can also keep the $90,000 equity.

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