
Summary: Sometimes it seems like we are in a never-ending struggle just to keep our heads above water. But I am sure that no matter what you are going through or what you have already been through and contrary to your beliefs the best is yet to come!

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The Best Is Yet To Come!

Luke 5: 1-11

This morning brothers and sisters I want to help to encourage you as we get started on this New Year. We have had some successes and some failures in the past year but there is one thing that I am sure of. I am sure that no matter what you are going through or what you have already been through and contrary to your beliefs the best is yet to come! A lot of times we go through our day-to-day routines and never change. We do the same things over and over. Our kids have the same problems again and again, and our spouses seem to treat us the same way day in and day out.

Sometimes it seems like we are in a never-ending struggle just to keep our heads above water. Brothers and sisters I’ve been on this journey compared to some only a little while, but one thing I have learned is that God won’t put any more on you than you can bear! All you need to do is hold on and hold out because help is on the way! You know I heard Sister Shirley Ceaser say on one of her songs that you are next in line for a miracle. There’s a blessing coming through, and it’s coming through for you and for me!

What I am trying to tell you brothers and sisters is that the best is yet to come! No matter how old or how young you might be. No matter how good or how bad things have gone. No matter how high or how low you have been in the past, the best is yet to come! You may have had some really good days in the past. You may have had some days that could have gone either way. You may have had some days that you would like to forget. But I’m here to tell you that the best is yet to come!

You may say well I’ve been here for all these years and it hasn’t come yet, but my brothers and sisters just hold on because the best is yet to come! You may seem to be in a bad situation, and seem to be down and out, but you have to remember that the best is yet to come! What you have to do is to hold on and just look up! You see as long as you try and fix the problem yourself you make things worse, but if you let God take control everything will be all right.

Brothers and sister you need to stop fooling yourself into believing that you are in something that you cannot get out of. The Bible says that when Jesus was nailed to the cross every sin that we have ever committed was nailed to that cross. Our sins have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. There is an old song that says I know it was the blood that saved me. So you see God has already set us free, and brothers and sisters the best is yet to come!

If you don’t believe me just try Jesus! I’ve tried him and I know He’s all right! When you try Him see won’t He make a way out of no way! When you accept the Lord into your life the best is yet to come. If you don’t believe that the best is yet to come look at our text. This is a story about some men who were fishermen. The Bible says that as Jesus preached along the lake he saw two ships, and he chose the ship of Peter. The Bible says that he told Peter to go out in the lake a little further so that he could preach to the people.

As time moved on He finished His sermon, and looked at Peter and told him to cast out his net. You see before Jesus came, Peter and the others were having no luck catching any fish. Jesus looked at Peter and told him to drop his net and try again to catch some fish. I can imagine Peter looked at Jesus with a face of confusion and said to Him; I am a real fisherman this is what I do, and you are going to tell me how run my business. You know that’s how we get sometimes.

We feel we have it all under control. We think we know everything there is to know about the situation. But you see even though Peter may have thought that way he dropped his net, like he was told. That’s something we have got to learn to do when it comes to following Jesus is do as we are told. When Peter pulled it up he had so many fish until his boats couldn’t hold them all. You see church, God has blessings that we don’t even have room enough to receive. All we have to do is just trust Him and follow Him.

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Donna Fox

commented on May 19, 2023

This sermon spoke to my spirit. I received this word of prophecy for my self. The Best is Yet to Come

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