
Summary: What happened to Saul? He did his own thing, he loved self-glorification, he became even more prideful and he thought he was the ultimate King. (Wasn’t about God)

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The Art of Letting Go 1 Samuel 28:6-7,13-17NLT

He asked the Lord what he should do, but the Lord refused to answer him, either by dreams or by sacred lots or by the prophets. 7 Saul then said to his advisers, “Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do.” His advisers replied, “There is a medium at Endor.” 13 “Don’t be afraid!” the king told her. “What do you see?” “I see a god coming up out of the earth,” she said.14 “What does he look like?” Saul asked.“He is an old man wrapped in a robe,” she replied. Saul realized it was Samuel, and he fell to the ground before him.15 “Why have you disturbed me by calling me back?” Samuel asked Saul.“Because I am in deep trouble,” Saul replied. “The Philistines are at war with me, and God has left me and won’t reply by prophets or dreams. So I have called for you to tell me what to do.”16 But Samuel replied, “Why ask me, since the Lord has left you and has become your enemy? 17 The Lord has done just as he said he would. He has torn the kingdom from you and given it to your rival, David.

In vs 6, Saul understood there were three basic ways God revealed Himself. Through Dreams and visions, The Urim, used by the priest as a means of inquiring of the Lord, and through Prophets, also called seers. They were used to inquire of the Lord.

The Philistines were closing in upon Saul and he was afraid and troubled. (Trouble seemed to follow Saul.)

At first it looks as though Saul was turning toward righteousness; however, Saul hasn’t changed.

Saul was a self-seeker, a spontaneous reactor, he never responded with remorse after his reactions.

1 Samuel 28:7NLT Saul then said to his advisers, “Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do.” His advisers replied, “There is a medium at Endor.”

By divine law, mediums and spiritists were banned from Israel (Deut.18:11) and so Israel wasn’t to be defiled by them. Even Saul formerly removed the mediums from all of Israel, but now he’s turning to them. He then goes into Philistine territory in disguise,to meet Endor the medium.

What caused Saul to turn and listen to Endor? It’s simple, Not letting go. Living with trouble, unforgivness, anger, resentment.

Letting go of the uncontrollable and unchangeable in life is the: Admitting the obvious truth--that you are not responsible to affect a change or correct a problem which is beyond your competency, power, authority or responsibility.

Releasing over-responsibility--giving permission to yourself to be free from an over-responsible sense of obligation, duty or requirement to make everything "perfect" in your life and the life of others.

Accepting your powerlessness over things and handing these things over to God.

Paul the great apostles wrote, Philippians 4:13-14NKJ Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Saul couldn’t forget...he couldn’t let go- he lived life without better judgement.

This same article asks the question- What are the negative effects of not letting go of the uncontrollable and unchangeable in life? If you are unable to "let go" of the uncontrollable and unchangeable in your life, you could: Become so obsessed with the need to solve everything on your own that you run the risk of physical and emotional exhaustion.

Saul failed in his obedience unto God making unlawful sacrifices to Him- he never experienced brokenness, remorse, or sorrow.

What happened to Saul? He did his own thing, he loved self-glorification, he became even more prideful and he thought he was the ultimate King. (Wasn’t about God)

Saul’s life reminds me of a new building in California. The first of its kind (it’s called the first Post Modern Art Gallery) You can go up a flight of stairs and the stairs will take you to a blank wall. (Dead end) Every hallway leads to no where. (Nothings reality)

Saul was chosen because of his appearance and stature. Not once will you read a Psalm, or a chapter in the Bible of Saul’s humility and brokenness unto God.

This kept Saul living in the past, because what a person holds onto will always live in their present.

David was chosen because of his heart. In fact, the Bible say’s he wasn’t nice looking. David committed adultery, murder etc.

However, King David repented. Listen to Psalm 51:10-12NKJ Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

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