The Ark Of Safety
Contributed by Wallace Phillips on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: An end-time message on the life of Noah and his preparation for the flood.
The Ark of Safety
INTRO: I am beginning, this morning, the first of a 3-part series on the End-Time Harvest. And in doing so I’d like to ask simply a few questions to spur you on to spiritual thought…about yourself –
Where are you on your journey with God?
What is going on in your life spiritually at this place where you find yourself?
What do you think your particular assignment is upon this place we call “terra firma” (planet earth)?
I ask these questions because I am convinced that we have some things misplaced, if you will, the K/G as it relates to the ministry; we have some things out of order, for the most part.
But what is the REAL (somebody say REAL PURPOSE); what is the real purpose that you are here?
And the INDICTMENT that I am going to mention this morning I think exists all over the EVANGELICAL world; yes, even among PENTECOSTALS.
There has been a tragic error that has been embraced for a long time, both by the CLERGY and the LAITY, that soulwinning/harvesting is the job of the PASTORS.
In fact, I think that there are some PASTORS that even believe that (because some pastors think that ministry simply CANNOT be done without them; or without their holy hands in it.
I think there are CLERGY that think that way.
I think there are LAITY that think that way.
This distinction that we make between the cleros and the laos; this distinction between PREACHER or PASTOR & PEOPLE; the cozy line of demarcation of the ORDAINED and the UNORDAINED. I would submit to you that that line doesn’t seem to come across that clear in the Bible.
You see the real purpose for your life and my life is to be a representative for Jesus Christ in the earth; moved and empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the perpetual work that began on the Day of Pentecost when the CHURCH (ekklesia) was established.
I love what Bishop Larry Jackson left us with last September in the Men’s Conference. He said, “I’m not a black man; I’m a representative of Jesus Christ upon the earth, doing Kingdom business DISGUISED as a black man.”
I may be a School Teacher, but I’m in the school to on heavenly assignment.
I may be the owner of an Auto Repair Shop, but I’m business to touch everybody who brings their car to my place of business.
I may be a Nurse at the Hospital, but I’m really there to do the work of the Kingdom to everybody who gets sick and ends up in that institution.
I’m a representative from heaven sent down upon the earth disguised as something else.
You see we have this CRAZY idea that has settled in among the pews for a long, long time that Professional Ministers DO ministry. We get encouraged by showing up to church to hear what has happened in THEIR lives.
The Bible clearly tells us that in Ephesians, Chapter 4:11,12
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,
to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
Not ALL, but SOME are called to be in the ministry as a life calling; vocation; profession.
SOME are called to that here. SOME are called to that all over the world, but ALL (say ALL) …ALL are called to represent Christ in the earth and to do the work of the ministry.
We are called to PREPARE you; ;to TRAIN you; to EQUIP you; to RELEASE you to do the work of the ministry.
You are called to BUILD UP the Body; in NUMBER and in NURTURING.
We, who are in the professional ministry; the full-time call to Christian service are not supposed to have a clearer line to heaven than you do. We are not suppose to have a better prayer life than you; a stronger witness than you. We are called to help you fulfill the call upon your life to do the work of the MINISTRY.
In fact, let me speak to the younger generation for just a moment –
YOU GUYS HAVE GOT TO HELP US! You have got to help us REALIGN the CHURCH CULTURE today to better match the SCRIPTURES. You have got to help us get this living organism called the church back to a BIBLICAL PICTURE as God intended.
Our generation seems to have placed a lot of attention on the PASTOR, and the EVANGELIST, and the OFFICE thereof, but YOUR GENERATION today must come to an understanding of just WHO you are and what your PURPOSE is. And, let me tell you….THERE WILL BE….THERE ARE SOME…..and THERE SHOULD BE some persons who feel the divine call of God upon their lives for ministry.