
Summary: The power of God was able to happen through Mary because of her obedience to purity. God’s will only happen through us in obedience to God’s call to purity.

The Christmas Annunciation

I-The fact that Mary was a virgin tells us something about the relationship with God that characterized Joseph and Mary

A-They lived the Lord’s way

B-For Mary to be a candidate to be the channel through whom God would send the Messiah into the world meant:

1-She had to be a virgin

2-Obedient to the sexual requirements of God

II-We live in a society that doesn’t value virginity or sexual purity

A-Viewed as small-minded, or unfulfilled, or frustrated

B-To the contrary, people who live by the creator’s handbook

1-Are the most fulfilled

2-Keep themselves from all the problems, and destructiveness that comes with sexual immorality

III-It’s going to take the same kind of channel today as Mary was in order for the world to see Jesus

A-The Power-Life of Jesus will not happen through you apart from a commitment to sexual purity

B-”Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”

IV-Jesus, Our Example

-He was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin Heb 4:15

V-The redemption of a society around us is looking for people through whom the power of God can happen


The Annunciation that came to Mary has a special message to us. The church needs to hear it and heed to it.

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