The Christmas Annunciation
I-The fact that Mary was a virgin tells us something about the relationship with God that characterized Joseph and Mary
A-They lived the Lord’s way
B-For Mary to be a candidate to be the channel through whom God would send the Messiah into the world meant:
1-She had to be a virgin
2-Obedient to the sexual requirements of God
II-We live in a society that doesn’t value virginity or sexual purity
A-Viewed as small-minded, or unfulfilled, or frustrated
B-To the contrary, people who live by the creator’s handbook
1-Are the most fulfilled
2-Keep themselves from all the problems, and destructiveness that comes with sexual immorality
III-It’s going to take the same kind of channel today as Mary was in order for the world to see Jesus
A-The Power-Life of Jesus will not happen through you apart from a commitment to sexual purity
B-”Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”
IV-Jesus, Our Example
-He was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin Heb 4:15
V-The redemption of a society around us is looking for people through whom the power of God can happen
The Annunciation that came to Mary has a special message to us. The church needs to hear it and heed to it.