
Summary: John receives several announcements about why this revelation is so important, and then he is shown Jesus Christ in His immortal body, as the Alpha and Omega.

Alpha and Omega, Part 25, Revelation Part 2

The Announcement and Image of Jesus

Revelation 1:4-20


- Last week began with our intro to the book of Revelation

-- Underscore: God will not allow mankind to continue to rebel forever

-- Jesus Christ completes the vision by showing us how this all ends (EXP)

• Life has always been about God’s word

• The revelation of His appearing as the righteous judge

• Revelation is a sign to the church of why evangelism matters

- Lot to cover today, so let’s just dive in … Read Revelation 1:4-20 / Pray

- TR: In the beginning we learn the identity of the revelator (Jesus)

-- Good news: God does not keep us waiting; He jumps right in for us to learn

Point 1 – John receives four announcements about Jesus

Announcement 1: We have (we currently possess) grace and peace (v4)

-- Church must realize this is what we have – it is not something coming later

-- If grace and peace are already ours, it means: We need to act like it!

-- Philippians 4:7, “Then (When? When you go to Him) you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

- Revelation is a firm declaration to the church: these things come from Heaven

-- They are gifts of God, not something that man can give or even manufacture

- Grace comes from the seven-fold spirit – this is the Holy Spirit

-- Seven represents number of completeness in Heaven - rep. the fullness of God

-- This indicates that the full power of the Spirit is with us bringing grace & peace

- BIG: We (the church) receive grace and peace from Jesus Christ

-- Jesus is the one who brought us total peace, through His life and Death

-- John 14:27, “I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

Announcement 2: Jesus Christ is the great savior – and He is … (v5)

• He is the faithful witness: the one we can depend on

• He is the first to arise from the dead and will never again have to die

• He is the Prince of all kings: He is now exalted to God’s throne

-- Not a man-made throne that will be setup, but the one that always existed

• He has redeemed us: His shed blood is how we receive forgiveness

- Dying for our sins, He has shown us what love truly is

-- Greek: agapao; to love; to wish well; to long for; esteem

-- Word love, present tense, refers to Him always loving us

-- Galatians 1:4,” Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.”

• He has exalted us: He has the authority to make us kings and priests

-- Greek: po-i-eo; manufacture or construct something

-- Greek: basil-eia; kingdom; sovereignty; royal power

-- Greek: hier-e-us; a priest; one who offers sacrifices to God

- WHAT?? This means we shall have responsibility and authority!!

-- Supervision & governance are our jobs: we shall rule with Christ in eternity

-- Romans 8:16-17, “For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” (This means life will not be easy until we are with Him)

Announcement 3: “Behold, Christ comes!” (v7)

-- When Jesus returns, something marvelous will happen:

• Every eye shall see Him

-- Consider: No one will miss it – had He come already, we’d have seen it!

• Every person who rejected Him will also mourn

-- Meaning: They will see (living proof) that He is exactly who He said He is!

Announcement 4: Jesus Christ is the Almighty God! (v8)

-- He is the Alpha and Omega

-- Alpha is first letter of the Greek alphabet … Omega is the last letter

-- He is all that there is, the beginning and the end, the initiator and finisher of faith

-- APP: All things are under the control & authority of Jesus Christ

- APP: We can put our trust in Him, and be comforted by Who He is

-- If He is our rescuer, then we must stop trying to be in control of life

-- Greek: panto-kra-tor: Almighty; ruler of the universe

- No matter what you are facing, if you are His, you will overcome

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