
Summary: To establish that God has shown us His righteousness and given us commandments to obey. They are: to do justly, to love mercy, and, to walk humbly before Him. This lesson describes the evils and wickedness in high places! It also provides hope to our Nation during this pandemic.

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3. That We Walk Humbly


1. This is lesson 3, in the sermon-series entitled: we will discuss the theme: "What doth God Require?" Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah, and both ministered in the Southern Kingdom (Judah). The name Micah means, "Who is like Jehovah?" The theme of Micah is: “To hear.” A recurring theme unto God's people: “The first of all commandments is to: Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord...There are no other commandments greater than these,” Mark 12:29-31. Isaiah prophesied in the king's court; while, Micah humbly spoke unto the ordinary people. Micah, like Amos prophesied strongly against immorality, social injustices, and the oppression of the poor, by the rich and powerful. These seem to be similar sins that now plague our Nation, along with the Coronavirus, COVID-19. Micah was answering the question of the people: “Wherewith shall I come before the LORD?” Micah responded: “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good (righteous), and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Micah 6:6-8. These are qualities of faith and obedience that God delights in His people. We will notice what God requires; and how, this Nation has: “fallen short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23.

2. In this lesson, we will investigate that God requires, that: “we walk humbly before Him.” If there is one sin that magnifies all others in this Nation, it is a sin of pride. One people think itself more superior to another. When we lift ourselves over others, this is not walking humbly before God. This Nation no longer walks humbly. We once trusted and reverenced God. But now, we walk in arrogance, pride, and divisiveness, before God and the world. It is a pride and a haughty spirit that brings all nations to ruins, Proverbs 16:18; Isaiah 2:11-12. We are no longer envied by others; but, "a people to be pitied" by all nations and people. Like Judah, we are become “an abomination before God,” Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 16:12. This Nation must repent and turn back unto God; or, perish and suffer ruins like Samaria and Jerusalem, in Micah's prophecy. With this brief introduction, let’s consider the lesson 3, in this sermon-series: “that we walk humbly.”



A. To walk humbly. Micah now instructs us: “to walk humbly before God.” This then is the final directive Jehovah had given unto His people. Micah now directs us to the relationship that God favors with His people. If God’s people humble themselves and obey His commandments and statutes, they are said: “to walk with Him.” Observe--

1. The word “walk” in Heb., is yalak or yä·lak', which means going, walking, or coming. And the word "humbly" in Heb., is tsana` or tsä·nah,' which means to be humble, modest, or lowly, to show humility. Therefore, it means to walk in humility before God, as well as men.

a. Micah wrote: “O thou that art named the house of Jacob: is the Spirit of the LORD straitened? Are these his doings? Do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?” Micah 2:7; Proverbs 28:18.

b. The prophet Hosea penned: “Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent and he shall know them? For the LORD ways are right, and the just shall walk in them, but the transgressors shall fall therein,” Hosea 14:9. Hosea wrote: “The ways of the Lord are right and the just walk in them.”

c. Jeremiah inscribed: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is a good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said we are not walking therein,” Jeremiah 6:16.

2. The Patriarchs walked with God. The patriarch walked with God. They obeyed Him in all His commandments. They walk in faith and obedience. America, where is our hope and obedience unto God? Observe--

a. Enoch walked with God, Genesis 5:22-24. In Enoch’s walk of faith, God was well pleased, Hebrews 11:5.

b. Noah walked with God, Genesis 6:9. God found favor in Noah, Genesis 6:8. Because of Noah’s faith and obedience, God saved him and his house from the flood, Genesis 7:7; Genesis 7:16; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20-21.

c. Abraham walked as a Friend of God, James 2:21-23. Abraham obeyed the voice of the Lord, Genesis 22:1-19; Psalms 105:6; Isaiah 41:8; Hebrews 11:17-19.

d. Conclusion: We have witnessed God's message, seen and obeyed by those that have gone before us in scripture and life. If we are to enjoy God's blessings and promises, we cannot do it without true faith and obedience to Him.

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