
Summary: Thanksgiving 2007

Psm. 50:23, 100:4 & Phil.:6

“Thanksgiving 2007”

As we gather with family & friends this coming Thursday (Thanksgiving), let us remember to give God many, many “Thanks & Praise” for all His many benefits!!!

-Often times, it is easy to forget what He has done for us & where He has brought us from & out of!!

With our busy-ness & schedules it is easy to forget & over-look the many blessings of God!!!

-It is a sad "Oversight" on our part!

Recently Pastor Dan Betzer wrote how “Americans were stunned by 9/11, as Hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of Americans died. “

-Several major newspapers in recent months have carried editorials calling for us to “just let it go,” that is, get over the tragedy.

-Stop talking about it. Stop remembering.

For whatever reason, we humans have a habit to forget.

-Here is a classic example: On September 1, 1923, Japan was rocked with one of the worst earthquakes in history.

-In Yokohama alone, 100,000 people were either killed or maimed.

-Out of all this death came the frantic plea from the Japanese government, “Help!”

-Americans responded by sending whole fleets of food and supplies to the stricken nation.

-The emperor of Japan cabled Washington, D.C., with this promise, “America, we will not forget.”

-Yet, Eighteen years later, the Pacific sky over Pearl Harbor was filled with Japanese war planes bombing our Navy forces there.

Japan had forgotten.

The night before Jesus was crucified, He asked His followers to observe communion, breaking the bread, as His body would soon be broken, and drinking the cup symbolizing His shed blood.

-Jesus said; “This do in remembrance of me,” He asked.

-We must never forget the horrors of Calvary.

-The concerns of ordinary life can cause the memories of Golgotha to fade from our conscious awareness.

-This must not happen. “Lest I forget Gethsemane; lest I forget Thine agony; lest I forget Thy love for me; lead me to Calvary.”

Today, as my subject is “Thanksgiving”…..I’ve wrote a few things I’m especially thankful for:

1-The Blood of Jesus, which has the power to save to the uttermost!!

2- The Healing power of Christ & His Cross.

3-For His Word, which “endures forever” & all its many promises!!!

4-For Veterans of the Faith!!! Those who have & do ”keep on, keeping on!!!”

5- For the “Victory” we have thru Him over “son & death”.

6- Thank God for His unfailing love for all of us!!!! (Psm. 107:8)

7- Thank Him for all His “goodness”. (Psm. 106:1)

8- Thank Him for always being near by us!!! (Psm. 145:18)

9- Thank Him for all the many prayers He has answered!!! (Psm. 118-21)

Would someone please give the good Lord the “Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship” He deserves today & forever?

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