Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Feb 22, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon on the spiritual discipline of church engagement.
Spiritual Disciplines – Part 2 (The discipline of church participation)
Title: Love God – Love his body (church)... “love the head/love the body”
Text: 1 cor 3:10-17
Subject: Why does church engagement matter enormously?
Complement: since Christ has ascended – and the Spirit has been given - the church is now Christ’s body on earth – and is therefore holy. ... the firstfruits of heaven...(!)
1 Cor 3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple – God will destroy that person, for God’s temple is sacred and you are that temple.” (NIV) “temple of the Holy Spirit.”
Big idea: “We are the temple (Tabernacle) of the Holy Spirit!”
Read text: 1 Cor 3:10-17 (spiritual disciplines...)
Lets begin with our name – “Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle”
What does “tabernacle” mean? ? place where God dwells! (Temple)
Move #1 - Elim ? “In reach...out reach...up reach”
Mission Statement (core identity)
Worship God,
cultivate Christian community,
build bridges.
Our Vision/mission/values...
Vision Statement: (aspire to...) At Elim we see a unified,
Multi-generational church where people are
engaged and equipped to share the love of Christ
with the community.
Core Values
Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle
(May 19, 2020)
1. Glorify God (gathered worship & scattered worship)
2. Outreach – sharing the gospel of salvation in Jesus
3. Discipleship – following him
4. Excellence - Honouring God with our very best is an essential quality of Christian living.
5. Relevance - In an ever-changing world, the church must find ways to engage culture without compromising the gospel.
6. Community/Church Family – taking good care of each other//love in action
7. Generosity – time...talents...finances...
Consider Membership!!!
The strength of our inheritance and our devotion is rooted in the word and in church allegiance.
Move #2 – I’ve been thinking... “Attending church” is more than attending a hockey game/soccer game ...right!
Cooper Kupp – Super Bowl MVP (last Sunday)
– on his twitter account – “do it for a crown that will last forever.”
• Not Entertainment...
• You are Not a spectator!
• Seats are free!
• Season ticket holders for TML – 40 games + pre-season +playoffs.
o $200/game x 40 = $8000.00
• Golf membership - The Vintage Club (CA) has an initiation fee of $250,000 in addition to an annual membership fee of $32,000.
• But the church is not made up of consumers
• You can yell at the referee... but not the pastor???
• You can’t ask for autographs!!! (I’ve never been asked...)
• You can’t buy a pizza or a hot-dog... and certainly not beer... in fact we like to give away food...
So what is the difference?... lets look at our text in 1 Cor 3...
Context of 1 Corinthians - young church...
stress of change...
old habits/biases...
now some growing pains... factions/opinions/ ....leading to some division...
Paul has to get their focus on Christ and their common identity.
• 1 cor 1:10 “I appeal to you... agree...no division...be united in mind and thought.”
• (that’s a lot to ask!)
• Personalities are some of the issue – Paul...Apollos...Peter...
• Ch 2 – Paul says “I preach Christ”
• Ch 3 – if there is jealousy and quarreling among you = worldly.
So Paul is talking about church life and community building and discipleship...
1. God Is The Architect Of The Church! V. 5-10
• OT – call of Abraham... (bless all the nations...)
• Israel is God’s instrument to reveal himself to the nations
• “A kingdom of priests”
• TEMPLE is built in stages... (“Tent” .... then a permanent structure)
• Even before this we can see Eden as a temple
• Then Abraham builds an altar to the Lord and he comes
• Moses meets God at the Burning bush – a kind of temple
• Then God gives instructions to build this portable temple
• They carry it with them
• They assemble and disable it as needed...
• Solomon builds the temple in Jerusalem
• Exile
• Temple re-built
• Upon Jesus crucifixion the cutain of the temple is torn apart – opeing the way into God’s presence for all (not just the Priest)!
• AD 70 – Romans destroy the temple
• Now... church is the temple!!!
• Now when we read this passage – we see how dramatic these words are!!!
Verse 16 “don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s Temple – and that God’s Spirit dwells among you!”
God’s temple is holy
God will protect his temple
The temple is you – us - collectively!!!
2. Christ Is The (Only) Foundation Of This Temple - Church: V. 11
The Cross
His Sinless life
The Teaching of Jesus
He is “I am”. – God incarnate!!! (relationship...)
The cross is necessary and without substitute