Temple Abomination? Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Will a Temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem and when?
Before reading our text this morning, It is helpful for us to quickly visit God’s Prophecies through Daniel. Open your Bibles to Daniel 9 and read along with me verses 20-27….
The “seven” noted by God in Daniel is actually 7 years! And so…
Daniel 9:24 – Seventy “sevens” (490 Hebrew Calendar years) was set by God to judge Israel.
v25: gives us a starting point
v26 is clear: 7 7’s and 62 7s (483 years) will happen then the Anointed One (Jesus Christ) is put to death!
Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans in 70AD.
After Jesus Christ was killed, how many 7s are left in judging Israel??
After Christ, one 7 (7 years) is left to judge Israel!
Now, according to Daniel 9:27, what will happen in the last 7 years of judgment on Israel??
Sacrifices and Offerings will be done in the Temple but someone will cause abomination in the middle of the “seven”!
And so, let us keep this in mind, the Temple has to be rebuilt in order for the final judgment of God happens. Also, why is there a gap between the 69 7s and the last 7??
We are living in a period before the final judgment happens and it is a time of grace to bring sinners into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ!
How soon will the final judgment of God happen?
Let’s open our Bibles now to Mark 13…………. We noted last week….
Mark 13: 3-13 – all the troubles Jesus stated are very intense today like birth pains, which brings delivery soon!
Then, Jesus again notes the abomination that will happen soon. Read along with me Mark 13:14-23…..
v14: Jesus repeated the prophecy from Daniel 9 regarding the abomination in the Temple. How soon will this happen?
Presently there are 2 major movements in Israel who has made all the equipment and robes for Temple sacrifices and offerings and Priests are being trained; they just need the Temple rebuilt!
Do you think money is an issue in rebuilding the Temple? – Israel is a rich country!
What then is the major holdup in rebuilding the Temple??
There are 2 sacred Islam Buildings in the area where the Temple needs to be rebuilt!
How do you think God will take care of this problem??
There are many major earthquake faults under those Islamic buildings! God can simply cause earthquakes to tumble those Islamic Buildings at any time now!! God is in control!
The final judgment of God on Israel and all people in the world will happen soon!
v15-19: the days of distress during that final judgment will be unequaled to any distress that has happened!
But let us note….
v20: Even in the last days, God shows His mercy and grace!
Today, we are living in a period before the final judgment happens and it is a time of grace to bring sinners into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ! How thankful are we for this time of God’s Grace today? Knowing the final judgment of sin is going to happen soon, how are we living our lives?
What 3 things must we do today according to v21-23??
1. Believe in Jesus Christ alone as the Savior Messiah God!
And there will be one empowered by Satan who will be the greatest false prophet; who is it?? Why would God allow that??
2. Be on your guard! ??
Always have the Full armor of God on!
3. Listen to what Jesus has said!