
Summary: People often ask the question - "How can I know God's will for my life?" This message addresses the key elements to understanding and discovering God's will.

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Targeting God’s Will October 10, 2010

Romans 12:1-2 Sunday AM

Intro: Good AM. Well here we are. It’s hard to believe this day has arrived, and my family is thrilled to be here to meet you. I want to talk to you this AM about an appropriate topic in light of the occasion – how to know God’s will.

Insert: I need a volunteer. Have person hold a target. Who thinks I’ll hit the bulls-eye at least 1 of 3 times? How many think I’ll hit the person? What if I’m blindfolded?

Note: We use crazy methods to barter for God to reveal His will. We say, “God, if I hit the bulls-eye then…” But if we miss, we say, “God, if I hit the target, then…” all the while taking risks w/ our lives and others.

Insert: Seeking and doing God’s will shouldn’t looks like this or some spiritual form of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. I’s like we’ve been blind-folded, spun in circles until we’re disoriented, and left to find our way in the pursuit of pinning our lives precisely to His prefect plan for us.

Insert: For many years, this is the way I felt when I tried to decipher God’s will for my life? I felt blindfolded trying to hit a moving target. But what I’ve discovered in my journey is that God isn’t playing games w/ us, He wants us to know His will, but we have to do it His way.

Trans: In Romans 12, the apostle Paul penned an intriguing statement concerning God’s will that I’d like for us to talk about this AM.

Read: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rm. 12:1-2

Note: Test and approve what God’s will is. Did you know God has a plan for everything including your life? He says it is a plan to prosper and not to harm, a plan to give hope and a future. He has a plan for His creation, for your life, and for this church. In fact, many of you are here today checking out this new guy who is possibly going to become your next pastor. And we all need to know if this is man’s plan or God’s plan.

Trans: But before we go further… let me let you in on a little secret… Shhhh!

Quote: It’s God’s will to reveal His will to anyone who is willing to do his will.

Idea: God wants you to know His will more than you want to know His will – and He wants you to experience your life in the center of His will.

I The SCOPE of God’s Will

Trans: Before we can dive into how to discover God’s will, we need to realize the scope of His will and plan. God’s will has (3) distinctive aspects:


Note: This is God’s sovereign will that certain things have happened and are going to happen and nothing anyone says or does is going to stop it.

Note: This includes things like the creation and the plan of salvation. No one has influence over these events and we can’t alter His providential will. Take the 2nd Coming of Christ – it is God’s will His son will return in the future. When don’t know when but no matter what we do or don’t do will alter His return b/c it’s w/in the scope of His sovereignty.


Note: This involves the general will of God outlined in Scripture. Think about the 10 Commandments, the great commands of Jesus, or passages like, “You will reap what you sow.”

Trans: This is the most crucial aspect of God’s will to get b/c His personal will for our lives is conditional on how we respond to His prescriptive will.

Note: When God reveals His will thru His Word outlining the principles we need to know Him, honor Him, follow Him, and serve Him, He expects obedience so that we might put ourselves into a position for Christ to live and move through our lives. So when the Scriptures say “DON’T” we DON’T, when they say “DO” we DO!

Mean: Basically, it is God’s will that our will be surrendered to His will.

Verse: Trust the Lord w/ all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps. Pr. 3:5-6

Catch: Until we’re willing to surrender and follow God’s general will we’ll never discover His personal will. Why would God show His specific will for our lives if we’re unwilling to follow His general will?

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