
Summary: 🗣️💬 Our words have more power than we realize! In this series, we’ll discover that our words matter, that there are consequences for what we say, and explore how we can use our words for God's glory.

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“Taming the Tongue”


Last week, we kicked off a series called Truth or Trash: What’s Coming Out of Your Mouth?

We talked about the power of words—how what we speak today shapes the reality we live in tomorrow.

How our words impact our relationships—how they can either be the glue that holds them together or the hammer that breaks them apart.

And we saw that our words are a reflection of what lies deep within our hearts.

This week, we’re zeroing in on the source of those words—the tongue.

If we’re not careful, the tongue can become a source of trash instead of truth.

James 3:5–8 ESV

5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!

6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.

7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind,

8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

How many are willing to say that you never get frustrated, agitated, or angry?

How many of you are willing to say that you never struggle when it comes keeping your mouth shut instead of speaking your mind?

Look at your neighbor—come on, really look at them, make eye contact.

Ask them this question: “Do you think I struggle to keep my mouth shut sometimes?”

Alright, for those who were honest, thanks for playing along… for everyone else...

Let’s just say there’s this person who looks like you, talks like you, and even acts just like you—but it’s not you.

This person sometimes gets frustrated, emotional, maybe even angry.

And this person sometimes struggles to keep their mouth shut.

If we’re being honest, we've all been there—when emotions take over, and we feel like we just need to get something off our chest.

Maybe you were going through a tough season, hurting, and desperate for an outlet to vent.

Or maybe it's that moment when the dam finally breaks—you’ve had enough, and you feel like you just have to say whatever’s on your mind, no matter the consequences.

So let me ask you something: If we know our words are powerful—and Scripture tells us they are— then how are we stewarding this incredible gift of communication that God has given to us?

Everything that God gives us, He expects us to steward it well.

• He gives us wealth, and He calls us to manage it wisely—to tithe, to be generous, to bless others.

• He gives us time, and He calls us to use it with purpose— to make the most of every opportunity.

• He gives us relationships and resources, and He calls us to honor them and manage them with care.

• And He gives us words—words with the power to bring life or death.

Every word that comes out of your mouth is either an investment in the Kingdom or a weapon for destruction.

Last week, we learned:

• There are roughly 800,000 words in the English language.

• Most of us know around 20,000 and use about 5,000 daily.

So, If we use 5,000 words a day, that would be 150,000 words a month, 1.8 million words a year, and about 146 million words roughly in a lifetime.

With that in mind, how many of those words are truly communicating the heart of God?

The tongue... it’s a tiny little member of our body, but don’t let its size fool you—it’s one of the most powerful things you possess.

With it, we can speak life or death, blessing or cursing.

James tells us that it’s like a spark—small, but capable of setting an entire forest on fire.

You know, we can’t always control what happens in life, but one thing we can control is what comes out of our mouth.

The tongue may be small, but its power is absolutely undeniable.

1. The Tongue is Small but Powerful

The tongue, while one of the smallest members of our body, holds the immense power to direct the course of our lives.

1. You Tongue Desires to Be Your Master

a. You may say, “How can that be”— Think about it—your tongue doesn’t like to wait for permission.

b. The reality is, your tongue doesn’t want to be controlled; it wants to control you!

c. It craves power and control over every conversation.

d. But the truth is: we must master our tongue, because if we don’t, it will master us.

e. I want to go back for a minute to James 3:1...

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