
Summary: The symbol used here to set forth the greatness and power of the Christian life, is the sun. No created object displays more strikingly the amazing power and goodness of God.

Sermon Sunshine Christians

Judges 5:31

The symbol used here to set forth the greatness and power of the Christian life, is the sun. No created object displays more strikingly the amazing power and goodness of God.


The sun is on fire from center to circumference

What that inner fire is to the son, Christ enthroned is to them who love God

It is a divinely kindled fire - true religion in more than a creed


Children of light, openness, honesty, etc

Knowledge is light

Christians the light of the world


All of its daily round of doing and giving, its rising, warming, climbing toward the zenith and setting - all is done with a smile on its face. So every Christian should cultivate the cheerful spirit and kindly tone.


Unsolicited, spontaneous doing and giving

No personal appear or pressure needed to secure its benefactions


The sun has no pet places to be looked after

Everything that needs it has an equal claim

Shines on the weeds as well as on the fruit in orchards






Nothing more powerful than the sun

The Christian shall triumph over every foe

A Golden setting and a glorious rising

Nothing more beautiful so with regard to the death and resurrection of the Christian

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