
Summary: While in seminary, I was asked, "What is the best translation of the New Testament?" I replied, "My Grandmother." Today Stephen serves as our best example of the qualities of a servant. Let’s examine them together!


I. I was standing in the hall following Chapel at Seminary and was asked by a fellow student, what I thought was the best translation of the New Testament was, I replied, "My Grandmother..."

Surprised my friend continued his questioning by returning with, "I didn’t know your Grandmother was a Greek Scholar." To which I proudly said, "She isn’t, but, she is the best translation of the New Testament that I know of!"

Know anyone you can say that Of? Someone who has all the qualities and meets the standard of the Word of God.

Well you do now. His name, Stephen. He is our best example of the qualities God looks for in a servant. We’d do well by examining the ingrediants that honor God.

First let’s look at Stephen’s Life in the Spirit.

Main Division

I. His Walk Honored God (Acts 6: 3-5a)

II. His Works Honored God (Acts 6:5b-8)

III. His Words Honored God (Acts 6:9-10)

Conclusion: A good man to find and follow!

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