
Summary: We stand in the shadows of greatness because we are spiritually weak, morally weak, physically weak.

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Standing in the Shadows of Greatness

Description of Standing in the Shadows of Motown – Backup Band

We are all standing of the shadows waiting for our moment when the spotlight is taken off of someone else and placed on ourselves. Unfortunately if your ascension is based upon someone else’s decension than you have succumb to the “barrel of crabs mentality which says - for me to get up the ladder, I must pull someone down or keep someone down.

The film depicted these musicians playing some of the most memorable music in this world feeling that they never received there due recognition because of the spotlight was focused on the merry-go-round of stars who where know because they were in the spotlight and they forever stood in the shadows of greatness.

We misunderstand greatness.

The truth of the matter is that we sometime interpret greatness as notoriety.

That’s the tragedy of our political system. Some much money is spent on creating an image. An image is good, but when your deed does not line up with your creed. In other words when what you say is not what you do. A fatal flaw of our political process is that 4we are so in love with our televisions that we have come to believe that when we see someone on television long enough we think we know them. We transfer the love for our television into affection for the people we see on the television. We assign notoriety to a special category. Notoriety equates to stardom. And everybody wants to be a star. Super star who do you think you are.

I place little stock in notoriety because the scripture reveals that when decisions are left up to the people they look upon the outward parts, they are never able to see the inner part. People chose Saul because he was tall and not all. And it wasn’t long before the spirit of God left him and he stood in a position of authority without moral authority.

Sad state our country is in when it has to belittle itself on television screens through out the world showing pictures of a family’s sadness to convince people they are telling the truth.

I place little stock in notoriety because the scripture reveals further that people will even choose a Barabas over Jesus. People would rather choose a person whose record is spotty, who grew up outside of their experience. People always think their grass is greener, their ice is colder, their (let me stop while I’m ahead) but would not elect Mary’s baby, the carpenter’s son, or the one from Nazareth – can anything good come from that place. I don’t hold much stock in notoriety

Paul would write:1 Cor. 13:12 For we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

John the revelator would write: 1 John 3:2 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

We are standing in the shadows of greatness

Institutions stand in the shadows

Religious denominations stand in the shadows

Individuals stand in the shadows

We never reach our potential because we are covered by some darkness. The root of that darkness is sin. We stand in the shadows of greatness because we are a sinful people. Paul would tell us in Romans, “that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

Genesis 12: 2 says, “I will make of thee a great nation, … and make thy name great.”

By any reasonable measure we are not a great nation and the truth of the matter none of us has a great name.

A notable name, a noteworthy name, maybe ever a noble name, but not a great name.

Our nation is not great, nor is our name great, because we stand in the shadows.

The question is – why do we stand in the shadows?

Because you are morally weak.

1. In Chapter 13 when given the choice Lot pitches his tent towards Sodom and later you will find him living in Sodom. Many of us stand in the shadows of greatness because of our lifestyles.

Because you are spiritually weak.

1. In Chapter 3 you find the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent. Many of us stand in the shadows of greatness because we are spiritually weak; we have no HOLY Boldness. When Satan comes around we don’t challenge we succumb to his challenge.

Because you are physically weak.

1. In Chapter 19 you find the story of two angels visiting Lot and the men of Sodom are attracted to them and seek to know them. We live in a time of flesh consciousness.

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