Stand Firm
Contributed by Carl Allen on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Satan is not going to stand back and watch you grow as a Christian. We is going to send everything he can to knock you down and take you out of action. We need to he prepared to stand our ground.
Ephesians 6:10-20
At the end of Ephesians, Paul addresses the area of Spiritual Warfare. Our lives are a constant on-going warfare between God’s Law and the powers of darkness. As we read along with today’s text we will see a common theme for this passage of scripture, “Stand Firm”.
We must understand that we have an enemy to fight against, a God to fight for, a banner to fight under, and certain rules of war by which we are to govern ourselves. We must apply ourselves to the duty of a Christian Soldier.
READ 6:10-11
- We must be strong hearted (v. 10)
i. Be strong in the Lord
ii. If we are going to make it through life with constantly warfare going on that requires us to have courage, we must have our source of strength in the Lord.
iii. No matter, how well armored you are, if you have a weak heart your armor will do you no good
iv. Spiritual strength and courage are necessary for our spiritual warfare.
1. Our natural courage is that of a coward and our natural strength is that of a weakling
2. But in faith in God, we can go forth in God’s strength and the promises of victory as our source of courage.
- We must be well armed (v.11)
i. We need to make use of al the proper defenses and weapons for repelling the temptations and strategies of Satan.
ii. The armor of God is prepared for us, but it is up to you as a individual to put it on. If you don’t you leave yourself exposed to Satan and his attacks.
1. We must pray for God’s grace and use that grace given to us to dawn the armor of God
iii. God has given us this armor that we may be able to:
1. Stand against the devil’s schemes
2. Hold out
3. Overcome
4. Repel Satan’s attacks
5. Claim the victory
II. What is our Danger – Why put on the Whole Armor of God (v. 12)
- The combat that God is preparing us for is not against ordinary human enemies or our own corrupt natures.
- The Greek word for wrestle or struggle is pale (pal’-ay)
i. Which refers to the days of the coliseum and the contest between two men.
ii. The goal of the contest was to throw the other man down and hold him down by his throat.
- We are fighting against several ranks of devils, who have a government with which they operate in this world.
i. They are serpents, and skilled in the art of tempting
ii. They are powerful (Principalities, Powers, and Rulers)
1. They are numerous and vigorous in trying to destroy us
2. They dwell in the dark parts of the world which are Satan’s empire
iii. There are Spiritual enemies
1. Satan is a spirit and strives to provoke the saints to wickedness through pride, envy, malice, etc.
III. What is our Duty (v. 13-17)
- We must Withstand
i. We must not yield to the Satan’s temptations and assaults, but oppose them
ii. 1 Chronicles 21:1, says that Satan is said to stand up against us, so we must:
1. Stand up
2. Set up
3. Keep up our opposition to Satan
- We must Stand our Ground
i. Having done all we can to stand, we must resolve by God’s grace, not to yield to Satan
ii. We must resist him, and he will flee
iii. If we distrust our cause, our leader, or our armor, we give him an advantage
- We must Stand Armed
i. As we look at the armor of God, you will see that armor for our back is not mentioned. Because we are never to turn our back to Satan, but rather stand firm against him.
ii. The Armor
1. Truth is our Girdle (v.14)
a. God desires truth, that is sincerity, in the inward parts.
b. This is the strength of our loins; and it girds on all other pieces of our armor
2. Breastplate of Righteousness (v.14)
a. It secures the vitals and shelters our heart
b. The righteousness of Christ given to us is our guard against the arrows of divine wrath and Satan’s attacks.
3. Feet shod of Preparation (v.15)
a. The preparation of the gospel of peace signifies a prepared and resolved frame of heart, to adhere to the gospel and to abide by it.
b. This allows us to walk with a steady pace
4. Shield of Faith (v.16)
a. Of all the armor, this is the most necessary piece.
b. If we have no faith in God and the eternal victory, we are fighting in vain.
c. The breastplate may protect the vitals, but the shield turns all attacks away.