Spiritual Warfare
Contributed by Ruel Camia on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is a growing interest in the subject of spiritual warfare nowadays; so much that church growth analysts have considered calling the 1990’s as the decade of Spiritual Warfare. Churches of different denominations have embraced this move of God and are
Spiritual Warfare Foundations
There is a growing interest in the subject of spiritual warfare nowadays; so much that church growth analysts have considered calling the 1990’s as the decade of Spiritual Warfare. Churches of different denominations have embraced this move of God and are making a difference in the kingdom of God, as they push back the kingdom of Satan. Matt.11:12 states -- "the kingdom of God has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." In these last days, God is raising up His forceful men & women in His Church to win this world for Jesus Christ, to fulfill the Great Commission.
Some have remarked that this "warfare thing" is a new fad and will eventually fade away from the church scene. Others believe that this is a topic that must not even be recognized or studied in the church. We must note however, that this subject is as old as the stories of the Bible. As early as Genesis 3 we can see that there was already enmity that existed between God and the devil. If there is going to be an objective study on the matter, it must be based on what the Bible says.
1. The tendency to IGNORE the enemy & treat the subject of demonology lightly.
-it will be to Satan’s advantage if he can work inside the church without anybody paying attention to his destructive schemes.
2. The FEARFUL PREOCCUPATION with Satan and his kingdom.
-paying too much attention to what Satan is doing in the world & in people’s lives, looking for demons in every nook and cranny of every house & church.
As good warriors, we Christians are supposed to know our enemy and all his evil schemes; the best way to do this is by looking at what the Bible says. Knowing your enemy is winning half the battle. So,what does our warfare manual (the Bible) have to say concerning spiritual warfare?
1. It is the will of God for all believers to be "strong in the Lord and in his mighty power"
(Eph. 6:10)
We are strong only if we are "in" Jesus, and there is no reason for us to be defeated by
a. Jesus holds all authority in heaven and on earth. (Matt. 28:18, Col. 2:15)
- none is left for the devil
- we are with the "winning team"! (Phil. 2:10-11)
This explains why we are to be so bold in saying "In Jesus name, out you go!"
b. In Jesus Christ we are seated in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 2:6)
It then follows that like Jesus, we are "Untouchables" as far as enemy’s ploys are concerned. We are most secure in our position with Him.
Spiritual Warfare Foundations: Page 2
2. We are called to have a biblical understanding of what we are up against. (Eph. 6:11-12)
Much of what the world knows about Satan and his demons is actually unbiblical.
a. The Devil’s Schemes
-this simply means the devil knows how to make plans (2 Cor. 2:11)
b. Satan has organized his demons.
-he has a demonic hierarchy or organization that is composed of rulers, authorities, powers and spiritual forces. They are invisible beings that cannot be dealt with physically.
3 Levels of Warfare That Believers Engage In:
1. "Ground Level" warfare.
This is what we commonly term as "bondage breaking" or more known as "deliverance ministry." We are dealing with lower ranking demons that have placed several bondages on individuals because of unconfessed sins like lust, hatred, pride, unforgiveness, self-pity etc.
2. "Occult Level" warfare.
The encounter here involves a person who is actually a servant of Satan. Examples are albularyos, witches, sorcerers, feng-shui masters and the like, knowledgeable in black arts. They are calling on Satan to give them power.
3. "Strategic Level" warfare.
This is where believers would come against the principalities & powers who are ruling over particular nations, provinces, and even localities. (Daniel 10:12-21) Good news! If there are demons harassing Christians, there are also angelic hosts sent by God to assist & help us! (Heb.1:14)
c. Satan is a defeated foe.
It is through the church that God is going to show forth his victory over these demonic forces! (1 Jn.3:8,Eph 3:8)
3. The importance of the provided armor and weapons to destroy the devil’s kingdom and
expand God’s kingdom
a. Waist girded with truth Jesus, You are my truth (Jn. 14:6)
b. Breastplate of righteousness Jesus, You are my righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21)
c. Shoes of peace Jesus, You are my peace (2 Thess. 3:16)
d. Shield of faith Jesus, You are my faith (Gal. 2:20)
e. Helmet of salvation Jesus, You are my salvation (Heb. 5:9)
f. Sword of the Spirit Jesus, You are my living Word (Jn.1:14)