Sow And Reap Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Life is very short but use it with sowing good things so that you will reap the same
Gal 6:1-10:Sow and Harvest
By Rev. Andrew B Natarajan
“Let everyday begin with seeds you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson ( Authored Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). Every action creates reaction.Is everything happens to you is a result of your own actions.
Worldwide people celebrate the harvest festivals in different names such as Benichon in Swiss, Dozhynki in Russia, Erntedankfest in Germany and Austria, Festa e Grurit in Albania, Onam in Kerala, MakarSankranti in North India, Holi in North west India. What is the specialty of the harvest festivals in Church? What we have to think today with Christian perspective? Are we here only to just to sell, buy and eat?Is not an investment for your future, for the development of the KoG.Let us think of three themes today:
I.Wages of Sin is death (Rm. 6:23):
Sin earns what they pay-death. Bible says: “Whoever digs the pit may fall into it, whoever breaks through the wall may be bitten by the snake. Whoever quarries stones may be injured by them whoever splits logs may be endangered by them” (Eccl. 10:8-9). Haman made a cross by which he died (Es. 5:14, 7:10).
Yahweh said: “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Nu 32:23). Jezebel became very evil and cunning woman; she became enemy to Prophet Elijah and killed Naboth a man who feared God. Elijah told her to reap her wages I Ki 21:23 and she harvested it in II Ki 9:35-37. Hophni and Phinehas,Very worst fellows, sons of Eli harvested their dues (I Sam 2:12 & I Sam 2:25, 4:17).
Jesus said: “For all who draw the sword will die by the sword” (Mt 26:52).Abner killed Asahel (II Sam 2:23), Joab killed Abner (I Ki 2:5).Benaiahkilled Joab because he killed two better and righteous men Abner (II Sam 2:27-30) and Amasa( II Sam 20:9-10, I Ki 2:28-32). Absalom chose the way of sword to reach the crown so he was killed mercilessly (II Sam 15:1, 18:14-15). God deals according to our Character (Ps 18:25-26).
“Those who sow wind will harvest whirlwind” (Hos 8:7). “Those who plow evil, sow trouble they will reap it” (Job. 4:8). “He who sows wickedness reaps trouble” (Pr. 22:8).The priests and the population in Jerusalem cried to crucify Jesus by the instigation of the Priests and religious leaders “Let his blood be on us and on our children”(Mt 27:25) the history reveals that In 66 CE the Jewish population rebelled against the Roman Empire in what is now known as the Great Revolt. Roman legions under future emperor Titus reconquered and subsequently destroyed much of Jerusalem and the Second Temple in 70 CE. The Second Temple was burnt and all that remained was the great external (retaining) walls supporting the Esplanade on which the Temple had stood, a portion of which has become known as the Western Wall.
II. Man reaps whatever he shows. (Gal 6:8):
People harvest only what they plant. There are two kinds of sowing and reaping. One is in flesh and another one is in SPIRIT. The sowing nd reaping is not only about this world even it talks about the other world.
Story of Richman and Lazarus depicts this truth (Lk. 16:19-25). Abraham answered to the Richman when he asked for help Remember in your life time you received the good he received the bad, you enjoyed he suffered, you wastefully lived, he lived with economically and accountability, you lived with sin he lived with holiness.
Rev. 22:12 says our reward come with him.Pr. 31:32 says give her the fruit of her hands. God honors the good works, faithful works, hard works and sincerity and stewardship. Even giving a cup of water to the righteous, prophets, believers, missionaries, servants of God will bring a reward (Mt 10:40-42).
God is going to give the Everlasting Crown to all who competes the evil(I Cor. 9:25), Crown of Righteousness to those who fight the good fight of faith (II Tim 4:8), Crown of Life for those who love him (Jas 1:12). Unfading Crown of Glory to the Pastors (I Pet 5:4).
The soul winners will shine like Stars (Da 12:3). The saints will shine like Sun in the KOG (Mt 13:43). Great reward for those who love their enemies and does good things in life (Lk. 6:35).What you are going to reap in eternity?
III. Cast your Bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it again(Eccl 11:1):
Sow your seed in every stream (Is. 32:20). The sower went to sow the seeds (Mt. 13:3),some fell in fertile land, good land, profitable land. The harvest was 100 fold, 60 fold, 30 fold (13:8). There are hearts prepared to receive the seeds of the Word of God. Some seeds were crushed by thorns, taken away by Bird, by worldly desires and worries. Sow with tears so that you can reap with joy (Ps. 126:5-6).