
Summary: Inborn intelligence and diplomacy bring ambition to fruition. Versatility brings honors, do not become careless. Use, develop, and apply imagination and succeed, but avoid irrationality.

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In Biblical Names, the meaning of Sopater is: Who defends the father.

Today, we will attempt to discover all there is to know about the person named Sopater. To do this, we will use an acrostic and the name Sopater. First, notice that the name of this ancient man has seven letters, S-o-p-a-t-e-r.

S: Meaning of S in the name Sopater means: You enjoy open-mindedness. Talent is great, but do not overrate it. To pursue the most incredible talent, luck is at your side. Gifted, you bring gaiety into the lives of others. Enchanting personality helps others toward prosperity as well as yourself. Fearlessness and versatility bring a spectacular career and provide for old age. Do not dream about unrealistic goals, be practical and carve out a career. Great vision does not overlook what is already attained. Originality, do not misspend energy or talent. Do not articulate that which is disorganized and unkind; seek advice in all transactions.

For you, it is business before pleasure. If you are in any way bothered by career, business, or money concerns, you find it very hard to relax and get into the mood. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and are capable of much sensuality. However, you never lose control of your emotions. You are cautious before you give your heart away-and your body, for that matter. Once you commit, though, you stick like glue.

O: Meaning of O in the name Sopater means: You are very open-minded. Faithfulness and truth as friend or lover earn great happiness. Ruled by head, not heart, search far and wide for your path. Selfishness will defeat plans unless you modify demands. Sedentary habits are bad for you; keep active. Misfortune is the consequence of your recklessness. Fantasy and illusions mar love life. Devotion will be rewarded. Flirtatious habits lead to disappointment and bad luck. The idealist in love takes time choosing a mate.

You are very interested in sexual activities yet secretive and shy about your desires. You can re-channel much of your sexual energy into making money and seeking power. You can easily have extended periods of celibacy. You are a passionate, compassionate, sexual lover, requiring the same qualities from your mate. Sex is serious business; thus, you demand intensity, diversity and are willing to try anything or anyone. Sometimes your passions turn to possessiveness, which must be kept in check.

P: Meaning of P in the name Sopater means: You sometimes lack understanding people because you sometimes focus on yourself. Follow artistic ability to a brilliant career. Practical ability can bring great financial rewards. Attractiveness demands plenty of common sense. Literature, music, and art bring what you most desire. Great future if you concentrate on the most prominent talent.

You are very conscious of social proprieties. You would not think of doing anything that might harm your image or reputation. Appearances count. Therefore, you require a good-looking partner. You also require an intelligent partner. Oddly enough, you may view your partner as your enemy…a good fight stimulates those sex vibes. You are relatively free of sexual hang-ups. You are willing to experiment and try new ways of doing things. You are exceptionally social and sensual; you enjoy flirting and need a good deal of physical gratification.

A: Meaning of A in the name Sopater means: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Vitality and enthusiasm inspire others, prone to ill health; common sense overcomes irritability and "nerves," creating financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities overcomes shyness. Unforeseen events may cause unexpected moves to a faraway place. Travel widely may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through your fickleness. Ambition attained through application and skill.

You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and cannot be bothered with someone trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up-front person. When it comes to sex, its action counts, not obscure hints. Your mate's physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the "hunt" invigorating. You are passionate and sexual, as well as being much more adventurous than you appear, however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern.

T: Meaning of T in the name Sopater means: You like hanging out with friends when you have time. You enjoy the company of others in social gatherings. Great imagination, your finest talent. use appropriately to enjoy riches and honor. Restless, nervous, and petulant, seeking companionship. Change of surroundings often helps—fantasy and delight in the weird assist in new endeavors. Study a real subject, especially history. Impulsive with a low boredom threshold. Intensive study satisfies not; metaphysical interests do—good imitator, needing enterprising people around.

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