Sizing Up Sin
Contributed by Scott Delashaw on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I.What does the Word say about sin? II. What does the World say about sin? III. What do You say about sin?
Sizing up Sin
( 1st John 1:1-6)
* The most unpopular pulpit subject ..along w/Hell & Tithing.
* Sin has become a “watch word” in today’s church….
Watch out using it or your church won’t grow!!
* Appears over 800 times in some mention in the Bible
* What is sin ?…Any action/attitude against the will of God.
* 1st Jn 2:1 “I write….. that ye sin not”
1st Jn. 3:4- Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth
also the law, for sin is the trangression of the law.
* In reality, sin should be addressed on a regular basis!!
** Sin hurts God, Harms us, Hinders our testimony.
* Attending corporate worship is good, but it is an exercise in futility against the backdrop of a life of disobedience.
* Many opinions regarding sin today.
What does the Word say,
What does the world say,
What do you say?
I. What does the Word say?
A. Its presence in the garden- The transgression of Gods law
B. Its power upon men- Spiritual death
C. Its price at Calvary- The ransom price of a soul
D. Its practice among Christians- Rom 6: 2” Not to continue”
Rom. 6:12 “ Let not sin reign in mortal body”
II. What does the World say?
A. Its propriety is accepted-
-as good and acceptable
-what was a sin in older culture…not now
-change definition
-some sin now considered chic and cultured
-more concerned with relativity to the crowd
than righteousness before God.
B. Its practice is protected-
-many practices biblically/morally wrong are protected,
Defended, and even legalized in our day.
-abortion, gambling, homosexuality, pornography,
Adultery and sexual sins at forefront of all T.V.
Music videos, movies, lyrics. No Wonder Homes
Are In The Shape Their In !!!
- The one night stand (sin) is a staple in our culture.
- even some “Christians” defend……practice?
- “Oprah-esque” society rising in the Church
C. Its preaching is rejected-
- commonly believed we should not preach on sin
^ no longer necessary
^ sinners already loaded w/guilt…..preach love
^ its judging others……..let Holy Spirit point it out.
- preacher is called and sent by God, not men!
- preacher is to proclaim Gospel and confront sin.
^ Samuel-Saul
^ Nathan-David
^ John-Herod
^ Jesus-Peter
- Peter preached…..“Ye have taken and by wicked hands
Have crucified and slain” (Acts 2:23)
3000 saved!!
T.S. The Word says one thing…
The world says another…..
III. What do you say?
A. What some express
- It is right in certain situations…..situational ethics
- The end justifies the means…… reasonable.
- Grace covers it.
- W/o consequences
B. What some experience
- Skeletons come out of the closet
Chickens come home to roost
Sheep begin to bleat and oxen loudly low
- Be sure your sin will find you out.
C. What some exclaim
- “if we say we have no sin, we (lie) deceive ourselves
And the truth is not is not in us” (1st Jn. 1:8)
- “Sin shall have no more dominion over us” (Rom. 6:14)
- “ If any man sin, we have an Advocate (1st Jn. 2:1)
-”Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit
“Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation”