
Summary: Singleness may be temporary or permanent, but it can be lived to the glory of God. The disciple who is single must live with contentment, sexual purity, and devotion to the Lord.

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A. William Jennings Bryan was an American lawyer and politician.

1. Bryan served in the House of Representatives and served as Secretary of State.

2. He was also the Democratic Party’s nominee for President in three presidential elections but he lost all three.

3. When William Jennings Bryan went to his prospective wife’s father to ask for her hand in marriage, he thought he might strengthen his case by quoting Scripture since her dad was very religious.

4. Bryan quoted Solomon, the wise man who said, “A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” (Pr. 18:22)

5. But to his surprise, his prospective wife’s father quoted the apostle Paul, “he who marries his fiancée does well, and the person who doesn’t marry does even better.” (1 Cor. 7:38 NLT)

6. The young suitor was initially stunned, but then with a spark of inspiration said, “Since Paul had no wife and Solomon had 700, I think Solomon is the better judge about marriage.”

7. I don’t know how the rest of that conversation went but as a father of three daughters, I know how fathers can be overprotective of their daughters which was what Bryan’s girl friend’s father was likely doing.

B. The question for the apostle Paul and the question for us is: which is better? Is it better to be single? Or is it better to be married?

1. The apostle Paul’s answer is: Neither and both! How’s that for clarity?

2. We will spend some time in 1 Corinthians 7 in a few minutes, because the apostle Paul communicates some important truths and principles to singles and to marrieds in that chapter.

3. But before we get there, let me explain what I am up to in the next couple of sermons.

4. Because Chris and Leigh Lawrenson are going to be here next week to talk about their ministry with Family Life, I thought it would be a good time to talk about God’s call of discipleship in the lives of people who are single and people who are married.

5. It has been a while since we addressed God’s expectations for disciples of Jesus with regard to the single life and the married life, so I think it’s a good to be reminded of God’s will.

6. In today’s sermon I want to talk about being single to the glory of God and then two weeks from today, Lord willing, I will talk about being married to the glory of God.

C. Let me start by stating that there is no advantage or disadvantage, with regard to spiritual standing before the Lord, if a disciple of Jesus is single or is married.

1. The ground is level at the foot of the cross and all of us are just sinners saved by God’s grace.

2. Whether a person is married or single doesn’t suggest whether they are more or less spiritual or godly or useful in the kingdom.

3. And being single or married doesn’t make a person more or less vulnerable to temptation.

4. Those who are single and those who are married will face different temptations and trials, and neither marital state has a corner on spiritual strength or spiritual maturity.

5. Unfortunately, sometimes churches have oriented more of the life and ministry of the church to those who are married and have children than to those who are single, and I apologize if any single people, whether young or old, have ever felt marginalized by our congregation or any other congregation.

D. Let me give another important truth that is foundational to our spiritual understanding: As important and purposeful as marriage might be in our earthly existence, we must always keep in mind that our future eternal life will be very different from our earthly life.

1. One day during Jesus’ ministry, a group of Sadducees tried to trap Jesus with a question.

2. Because they didn’t believe in the resurrection of the dead, they challenged Jesus with what they thought was a theological dilemma that would confirm their beliefs.

3. They presented a scenario where a woman had married 7 times after each of her husbands died.

4. Their big question was: “Whose wife will she be in the resurrection since all of them were married to her?”

5. After dropping that question, I picture them crossing their arms with a grin on their faces as they waited to see Jesus try to deal with their “knockout punch” of a question.

6. Jesus’ answer basically was: You are mistaken for two reasons: First, you don’t know what God said; and second, you don’t know how God works. For in heaven there will be no marriage for we will be like the angels.” (Mt. 22:29-30)

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