
Summary: The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell

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Continued from Part 1

What are the words that cause sin?

Second. Proverbs 15:1-2 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly. A soft answer turns away wrath; A harsh word ignites anger. The tongue of the wise speaks good knowledge; The mouth of fools utters foolishness.

Sinful tongue number 2. Harsh words. A harsh word that ignites anger. It is a sin. Harsh words ignite anger, even in your family life. It is a sin committed with the tongue. How many sins have you committed in your family life? How many sins has the wife committed against her husband? How many sins has the husband committed against his wife? Every hard word that comes out of the mouth turns into a sin.

The third binding word. Proverbs 29:20 Do you see the man who is bound by the word? There is more hope for a fool than for him. A man of his word. The word says be quick to hear and slow to speak. Read James 1:19 But let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Many are at a loss for words. Speak before thinking. If you hear anything, it will be celebrated. It does not think about what its reality is. One does not seek where the truth lies. There is no hope for those who cling to words. It is a sin. They should be quick to listen and slow to speak. Obedience to words, stubborn words become the cause of sin.

Fourth. Malachi 3:13 Your words are too hard for me, says the Lord. What are the harshest words. Read below. But you ask: Why are we talking to you? Serving Jehovah is in vain. Harsh words. It is futile to serve Jehovah. Just preaching the gospel. It's just a publicity stunt. Going from house to house to preach the gospel is in vain. Just doing something for God's work. Doing something for God's kingdom is just for nothing. Let me tell you something that I have heard. Once a believer had a banana farm. 100 bananas. First cut the ripe bunch and gave it to God servant's house. The next day there was a terrible wind. The rest of the fight was beaten to the ground. He said a decision was made next year. The former is not given to the servant of God. did not give Planted 100 bananas. A hundred results were obtained. I am a servant of God and give this testimony in vain. That's why my whole banana was blown to the ground. Serving Jehovah is in vain. Working for God is in vain. God is saying if such thoughts have arisen in your life, your word is too hard for me. Next verse 14. It is futile to serve Jehovah; Of what avail is it that we look upon him, and walk in black before Jehovah of hosts? First, it says that it is in vain to minister, secondly, we look after him in vain, and thirdly, what is the use of walking in darkness. What is the use of fasting? What was the use of going to the meeting? What benefit has come from praying? The words that say what benefit has come from giving tithes are too hard before the Almighty.

Fifth. Enticing Words Colossians 2:4 I say this so that no one deceives you with enticing words. The word of seduction is the word of sin. Many people's words wrongly attract many people to them. Seducing. This is mostly seen in leaders. Absalom's spirit draws them in through words as they enter. You know about Absalom, David's son. 2 Samuel 15. He was worthy and had long hair. Dress appropriately. If anyone came to the palace with a complaint, he would stand at the door, give them a hand, a hug and a kiss. Then he will say that if the king had made me to solve your problem, I would have fixed everything in one day. In this way, Absalom drew the hearts of the people to himself. A true servant of God never attracts souls to himself. Many work for themselves. Many lure spirits to themselves. After 3 years of work, there is no one to stand with the Lord. 50 people will meet to stand with the pastor. 50 people will raise their hands to call for Inquilab for the pastor, to be silent for the pastor, and to shout slogans. Be careful that no one deceives you with flattering words. Let me tell you one thing, you should not stand under the umbrella of any pastor, you should not stand with any committee, you should stand with the Lord Jesus. Your love must be for Jesus. Keep following Jesus. A true minister prepares people for the Lord.

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