
Summary: ......your career success/ promotion/increment depends on proving yourself worthy for promotion. Is it not?

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Show yourself worthy......

1 Kings 1:52:”And Solomon said, 52 Solomon said, "If he will show himself a worthy man, not one of his hairs will fall to the ground; but if wickedness is found in him, he will die."

Wow, this above statement of king Solomon floored me! Before his death, his father David told him, use your wisdom and take decisions. Now let me give you a very quick, crisp snapshot of the above scripture. David’s son Adonijah, when David was old and very sick, took the situation to do mischief, he very daringly gathered some key people and announced himself as king; however, prophet Nathan saved the situation by informing this to David and then Solomon was properly made the king. Well, when Solomon sat on the throne, he had all the rights now to kill Adonijah for his treacherous behavior behind David’s back but he gave him a chance by saying, ’show yourself worthy then even your hair will not fall.’ Mark this,’ even your hair will not fall if your prove yourself worthy’, this comes directly to someone out there!

Friend, these words come to each one of us today who say: ‘why am I not blessed? Will I be protected, what about my future? What about my ministry? Why is nothing happening in my life?....and so on. Now before I go on to address all that, let me apply the above scripture to work life, in secular fields, whether male or female, your career success/ promotion/increment depends on proving yourself worthy for promotion. Is it not? Your work, attitude and behavior are scrutinized and then based on the appraisals, decision is taken for your promotion/ increment etc. In some cases there may be biased, prejudiced and partial decisions taken; overall, your performance speaks for itself!

The spectacular performance of Daniel, his commitment, sincerity, determination not to touch the food of the king despite dangerous risk involved, his disciplined prayer life .all this accounts for the success in his life. Most important is his intimate relationship with God and his daily communion with God which is lacking in the lives of many Christians – sadly the ones who had received MUCH from God are the ones busy in their work and avoid personal prayer with God. They are satisfied with family prayer, group prayer and cell group prayer but God expects you to close the door and come to Him personally. Anybody listening? Because of this intimacy with God, Daniel became a terror to the lions and never feared opposition. Prove yourself worthy like Daniel then God will bless your career and lift your head! Get back to your FIRST LOVE WITH God today! Do you read the Bible, fast and pray, do you attend weekly prayer meetings, night prayer, early morning prayer? Your success depends on your answers for these questions that I have put in front of you!

2 Chronicles 16:9”For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”


Why do you think Jesus went to the Roman Centurion’s house to heal his servant? Look at the life of this Roman Centurion, let me explain:

In Mathew 8 we see his Humility and giant faith:(Mathew 8:8) The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. “

His faith in the power and ability of Jesus is phenomenal and breathtaking that awed Jesus Himself. Jesus said: Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel.(Mathew 8:10) He also understood that Jesus is just not another miracle man but someone more than that, he said, ‘please don’t come into my roof.’

In Luke 7 , we see people giving a good report about him: 4 “When they came to Jesus, they earnestly implored Him, saying, "He is worthy for You to grant this to him…5 because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” 6 So Jesus went with them. Saw that? All that you do for Jesus does not go down the drain, it is noted, observed and will be rewarded one day. Do you have a good report about yourself that would awe Jesus?

God is not going to forget people who do things that are extraordinary and make all efforts to please Him, did He not say: "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” Revelations 22:12

During this time of zoom classes in our Abide School, the free school that we run here in Hyderabad, India, every day I watch two brothers check in just not on time but way before all the other children join, they submit their homework on time, they do not take leave , they neatly come to classes with oiled hair and neatly combed, despite the classes being held on zoom. Though all this part of our rules, but they follow it meticulously which is praise worthy and noteworthy! As a principal, I am watching this every day, I feel happy and blessed!

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