
Summary: Principles from God’s word for a healthier approach to sex

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Sex: What’s Love Got To Do, Got To Do With It?


Randy Croft

There couldn’t have been a worse time. Just before Easter weekend, when millions of people around the world think about spiritual things, a cult group commits mass suicide. Remember the story? 39 people took their lives. 21 women, 18 men. Heaven’s Gate. They were all happily looking forward to shedding their bodies and joining some UFO in the trail of the comet Hale Bopp. At first, the police thought they were all men. Why? Because everyone in the cult had this androgynous look--sexless. Women and men looked somewhat gender less. All the Heaven’s Gate members wore baggy clothes lest they show their sexuality. The body was only a container. It was part of the Heaven’s cult teaching...There was no gender at the "next level" so look as neutral as possible. Sex was evil. The leader, Marshall Applesauce, preached celibacy...even going so far as castrating himself. As it turned out, there were six men altogether who castrated themselves.

I’m thinking--great. Not only were their minds castrated and deceived, but several men actually castrated themselves. One member said on video tape that castrating himself made him feel free.

Just what the world needs--another weird religious group getting messed up on sexuality. There have always been those groups who go off the deep end and forbid sex, castrate themselves, or advocate celibacy for non-biblical reasons. Other religious off-shoots groups have advocated incest, orgies, prostitution, distortion.

Research has pointed out that it’s not religious groups that have the major hangups on’s our whole culture. Sex is so pervasive in everything we do as a culture. Advertisers use sex to sell cars, clothes, shampoo, sunglasses, even milk. I saw a billboard advertisement in town using sex to sell milk...the slogan.. "Milk...It’s my obsession." Is nothing immune?

A study estimates that the average person views over 9,000 sex acts, or implied sex acts, every year on television. Of that, over 80% is by people who aren’t married. Average kid, watching television, from age 8-18 (ten years) watched 93,000 scenes of sex, over 72,000 of these scenes would have been premarital or extramarital affairs. Guess what happened. Teenage pregnancies have skyrocketed. So the government said, "Hey we better start passing out condoms at school." Did it stop the pregnancies? No, Pregnancies have increased 400%. 70% of unwed teen mothers will go on welfare. Of teens who marry because of pregnancy,

60% will be divorced in five years. 2/3 of teenage pregnancies are fathered by men over 20.

--But that’s teenagers. Adults make wiser choices, right? Yeah, right. 12 million Americans become infected with Sexually transmitted diseases every year. There are more adult bookstores in America than McDonalds restaurants. Pornography is an 8 billion dollar/year business. Many today, sex is like shaking hands.

Bible is considered to give outdated advice, unrealistic ethics. For man people their sexual ethics come from Nike-- "Just do it", Or Budweiser "Why ask Why?"

Someone wrote once that "Sex is like a great river that is rich and deep and good as long as it stays within its proper channel. The moment a river overflows its banks, it becomes destructive, and the moment sex overflows its God-given banks, it too becomes destructive."

I couldn’t agree allow me today to share from God’s word the principles for lasting happiness, including a more wholistic and healthy understanding of sex...written by the creator of sex...God.

What God says about sex from the bible. 3 principles.

I. Sex is more than just a physical act. It’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

Problem with topless bars, pornography, and sexual advertisements, is not that they emphasize sex too much, but that they don’t emphasize it enough. They totally eliminate the depth of human relationship and restrain sexuality to the narrow confines of momentary pleasure. They think genital sex alone defines sex, but that is only a small part of God’s beautiful design. They have trivialized sex as a shallow "get high" drug, useful only until the next hit.

The bible is not squeamish about sexuality. God boldly created it in the beginning and called it good. Song of Solomon celebrates sex as a voluptuous adventure.

Song 8:6 "Put me like a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arm..."

Paul the apostle, in his letter to the Corinthians writes "The husband should give his wife all that he owes her as his wife. And the wife should give her husband all that she owes him as her husband. The wife does not have full rights over her own body; her husband shares them. And the husband does not have full rights over his own body; his wife shares them. Do not refuse to give your bodies to each other, unless you both agree to stay away from sexual relations for a time so that you can give your time to prayer. Them come together again so Satan cannot tempt you because of a lack of self-control." (I Cor 7:3-5).--Husbands do not own wives. Wives don’t own the husbands. But neither do they have total ownership of their bodies.

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