
Summary: An evangelistic sermon on the need to be saved today.

Seven Excuses That Could Keep You Out Of Heaven

Luke 14:16-22

I. Everybody Else Is Doing It.

1. God is a non-conformist.

Every great man of God that was used of God was a non-conformist. The Bible tells us “to be not conformed

to this world.”

2. Noah in his day was different.

3. Enoch did not conform to the world. He walked with God.

4. Abraham was a non-conformist. Everybody else went to Sodom and Gomorrah.

II. Times Have Changed

1. They sure have, but that doesn’t change God’s word.

2. Politics change – Society changes – Customs change – Fashion changes, but God’s Word does not change.

3. In these days of inflation the wages of sin is still the same.

III. I Don’t Believe As You Do.

Some say I was brought up in such and such a church or under another religion. It does’nt matter what you were brought up. The Bible says “Ye must be born again.”

IV. It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe As Long As You Are Sincere.

1. Satan uses this excuse more than any other to send people to Hell.

2. You may have Faith but unless you faith is in Jesus Christ, you can’t be saved.

V. I Don’t Understand It.

1. Rom. 1:20 says they are without excuse. There is no excuse for not being saved.

2. We live in a realm of things we don’t understand. – Electricity – Life (1st birth) –But we believe it.

VI. I’ll Put It Off

The Bible is full of people who put it off.

1. The rich young ruler

2. The rich man in Hell

3. Felix

4. Agrippa

VII. I Am Just Too Bad

1. In Acts chapter 2 Peter saw some of the men who had crucified Jesus believe.

2. Paul the Apostle called himself “the chief of sinners.” I Tim. 1:15


If you were sitting on the railroad tracks and a train was coming. You could make one of three decisions.

1. You could totally ignore the train and live like it was not coming. – Until it hit you.

2. You could say, “It’s a long way off. I still have time. I’ll just wait until it gets closer. – Problem, You are still sitting on the track.

3. You could heed the warning and get off the track and be saved.

Only one of these responses will save your life. Which one have you made.

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Butch Payne

commented on Nov 8, 2006

What a great but simple message! Many people have a lot of excuses that won't hold water when judgement comes.

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