
Set Free from Shame: The Story of the Samaritan Woman

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Encounters with Jesus can transform our lives, freeing us from shame and guilt, and turning us into people who share God's love with others.

Set Free from Shame: The Story of the Samaritan Woman

Youth Group Plan: Set Free from Shame: The Story of the Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42)

Youth Sermon: Set Free from Shame: The Story of the Samaritan Woman


Hey guys! Today, I want to share a story from the Bible that has a surprising twist at the end. But before we dive into the story, let's do a quick object lesson that will help us understand the main idea of the message.

(Object Lesson: Fill a clear glass with dirty water. Then, pour clean water into the glass until the dirty water overflows and is replaced by the clean water.)

Just like this glass, our lives can sometimes be filled with dirt and mess. But when Jesus comes into our lives, He can replace all that dirt and mess with His love and forgiveness. Now, let's check out this amazing story from the Gospel of John.

Just like this glass, our lives can sometimes be filled with dirt and mess. But when Jesus comes into our lives, He can replace all that dirt and mess with His love and forgiveness.

Main Teaching

In this story, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. Now, you need to know that Jews and Samaritans didn't get along, and it was unusual for a Jewish man to talk to a Samaritan woman. But Jesus didn't care about those rules. He started a conversation with her and asked her for a drink.

As they talked, Jesus revealed that He knew all about her past and her mistakes. She had been married five times and was now living with a man who wasn't her husband. But instead of judging her, Jesus offered her something amazing – living water that would satisfy her soul and give her eternal life.

This woman was living in shame because of her past, but Jesus didn't condemn her. He wanted to save her and give her a fresh start. And that's exactly what He did. The woman went back to her town and told everyone about Jesus, and many people believed in Him because of her testimony.

Now, here's the twist: This woman, who was once a notorious sinner, became a saint known as St. Photini. She went on to share the good news of Jesus with others and even became a missionary. Her life was completely transformed because she encountered Jesus and received His love and forgiveness.

Life Application

So, what does this story have to do with us? Well, just like the Samaritan woman, we all have our own dirt and mess in our lives. We've made mistakes, and sometimes we feel ashamed of who we are or what we've done.

But the good news is that Jesus doesn't condemn us. He wants to save us and give us a fresh start, just like He did for the Samaritan woman. When we invite Jesus into our lives, He can replace all our dirt and mess with His love and forgiveness, just like the clean water replaced the dirty water in our object lesson.

So, if you're feeling weighed down by guilt or shame, remember that Jesus is here to set you free. He wants to give you a new beginning and help you live a life filled with His love and grace.


"Lord, thank You for loving us even when we're messy and broken. Help us to remember that You don't condemn us, but instead, You want to save us and give us a fresh start. Please come into our lives and replace our dirt and mess with Your love and forgiveness. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Have you ever felt ashamed or guilty about something in your life? How did it affect you?

2. How does Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman show us that God doesn't condemn us, but wants to save us?

3. In what ways can we experience God's living water in our own lives?

4. How can we share the love and forgiveness we receive from Jesus with others?

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Icebreaker: Surprise Endings

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