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  • You Were Shaped For Serving God Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Feb 17, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    This sermon gives instruction and teaching on our up coming Solemn Assembly (week of repentance)

    You were Shaped For Serving God February 15, 2004 Ephesians 2 8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which more

  • Ash Wednesday Is A Time For Housecleaning

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Feb 29, 2004
    based on 111 ratings

    This is a 2-part sermon for Ash Wednesay based on Joel. This was used in a service with the imposition of ashes, a worship service which stressed repentance. The 2 parts are: The Sinner Repents, The Lord Relents.

    Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-19 Let’s suppose that after we left church this evening, we locked up the doors, and none of us came back until 5 years later. Not a single person set foot on this very property until Ash Wednesday, 2009. When we do come back, what would our church look like after 5 years more

  • Rend Your Hearts Not Your Garments

    Contributed by Lucy Vavosa on Mar 5, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This is a sermon about Ash Wednesday and how it is a day of new beginnings.

    ASH WEDNESDAY REFLECTION 2003 “Blessed be the longing that brought you here and that quickens your soul with wonder.” This line is from a poem titled “A Blessing” by a man named John O’Donohue. I came across it quite by accident (or by God) As I was getting ready for work this morning and more

  • Listos Para Las Bendiciones De Dios

    Contributed by Adrián Olivas on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 73 ratings

    No restrinja su entendimiento de las bendiciones de Dios a solo uno o quizá a unos cuantos segmentos de la vida. He aquí algunos aspectos para recibir las bendiciones de Dios.

    Listos para las bendiciones de Dios Joel 2:12-29 Introducción: Las bendiciones de Dios—una expresión muy común. ¿Cómo define usted las bendiciones de Dios? Para algunos, esto se refiere predominantemente a cosas terrenas y posesiones materiales. Para otros, esto quiere decir un tipo particular more

  • Redeeming The Years

    Contributed by Michael Blankenship on May 22, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    How is Your prayer life?

    First Baptist Church Jellico, Tennessee. Sunday Morning January 27, 2002 Bro. Michael Blankenship: Pastor Joel 2:18-27 “Redeeming The Lost Years” In most lives there are periods, which, as far as productive labor, happiness in our hearts, or worth to the kingdom of God are lost years. Joel cries more

  • Changing The Spiritual Climate Of Indifference Series

    Contributed by Robert Massey on Jun 5, 2002
    based on 299 ratings

    God gives a somber condemnation of indiffernce and speaks to the people of Joel’s day of what they must do to overcome it.

    CHANGING THE SPIRITUAL CLIMATE: INDIFFERENCE Joel 2:1, 12-28 (1:1-5, 13-16) Joel is listed as one of the minor prophets, in contrast to the major prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, or Daniel. They are called the minor prophets simply because the short length of their works. The title, more

  • Soul-Quake Tsunami

    Contributed by Jyoti Banerjee on Jan 1, 2005
    based on 144 ratings

    The Asian tsunami requires a response from Christians. This message seeks an answer from Joel.

    While many in this land were still celebrating at Christmas parties in the early hours of Boxing Day 2004, the Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates in the earth’s crust moved violently against each other. The impact of the crash was so massive that scientists tell us that the earth wobbled on more

  • What The Locusts Have Eaten

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 81 ratings

    This is a sermon for the beginning of a New Year based on the thesis that God is able to renew for each one of us the years "the locusts have eaten."

    What the Locusts Have Eaten --Joel 2:18-27 (Verse 25, “I will repay you for the years the Locust have eaten— The great locust and the young Locust, The other locusts and the locust Swarm— My great army that I sent among You.”—NIV) They are destroyers and a delicacy. God sent them as the more

  • Receiving Mercy For Making Messes

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Nov 2, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    God’s justice brings punishment, but God’s mercy brings forgiveness, to the point of repaying our sins for blessings. What a God!

    Joel 2:18-27 – Receiving Mercy for Making Messes Once there was a pastor who was such a golf addict that one Sunday he called in sick and went golfing instead. Two angels were above him on the golf course, discussing the situation. One angel said, “You just wait. I’m gonna punish him good for more

  • El Arrepentimiento Y La Bendicion De Dios

    Contributed by Stephen Boldin on Oct 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    1st of 2 messages in Joel.

    El Arrepentimiento trae Bendicion de Dios Joel 2:1; 12-18 Has oido el dicho “Cuando llueva, relampaguea”? Muchas veces es asi con las bendiciones de Dios y las calamidades de la vida. En Joel vemos como Dios usa una plaga de langostas para traer a su pueblo al arrepentimiento. En los dias more

  • When God Restores What The Locusts Eat

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 6, 2007
    based on 129 ratings

    This message brings a word of hope in the midst of devastation. God can restore what the locust has eaten.

    April 2007 “When God Restores What the Locusts Eat” Joel 2:18-27 INTRODUCTION: Joel was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah between 835-796 B.C. about the same time Elisha was prophesying to the Northern Kingdom, Israel in 848 BC. Joel speaks to people who had become very complacent more

  • Obedience Is Better Than Judgment Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Dec 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God desires judment to result in repetence leading to deliverance.

    Joel 2:14-27 “Obedience Is Better Than Judgment” I. The Repentance of the People (14-17) Vs. 14 • It was the repentance of the people that would restore the blessings back to the land. o God was waiting and ready to once again pour out His riches upon His people, once they turned from evil and more

  • On All Flesh

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Throughout the ages, God has and is pouring out His Holy Spirit

    On all Flesh Reading: Joel 2:18-32 When reading the scriptures as a whole, seeing them in relation to world history and events, one is soon to see that God is indeed in control. He raised up and laid down leaders and nations in order to bring about His purposes. Heathen leaders were called the more

  • Prescription For Revival

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Joel 2:12-18 regarding God’s instructions to Joel’s audience for repentance and revival

    Text: Joel 2:12-18, Title: Prescription for Revival, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/28/07, AM Opening illustration: Tell the story of the revival of the Hebrides Islands in 1949-ill file, What is Revival? 1. Revival is not a week worth of meetings. 2. Revival is not started in one day. 3. Revival is not more

  • Preparing For Revival Series

    Contributed by Doug Henry on Dec 30, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    What can we do as Christians to usher in a spirit of revival in today’s church.

    Preparing for Revival Joel 2:12 – 18 How many of you are fans of David Letterman? I am not one to watch his show, but there is one aspect that I used to tune in for. I loved his top ten lists. Recently, I came across a top ten list that wasn’t written by David Letterman, but I think it is more

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