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Sermons on Yochanan 6:63:

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  • Are You Leaving Me Too? Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Jun 30, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Not everyone who started following Jesus kept following Jesus and not everyone who come to our church will stay in our church. Some thougths

    Are you leaving me too? On December 7th 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the people of the United States and referred to the previous day as “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”. Most of you know what he was referring to, on December 6th Japan had attacked Pearl Harbour. more

  • Is He In You?

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Every year just before Easter and Christmas the world sets out to attack Jesus. A recent example is a movie recently produced by an American entertainer named Bill Maher. He called the movie "Religulous" borrowing from the word incredulous.

    Is He In You? John 6:41-70 The sermon title today is a little like the slogan used by a popular sports beverage "Gatorade". That companys slogan is "Is it In You"? The suggestion is that if you don’t have Gatorade in you that you will not be able to perform to your best as an athlete. Iam more

  • Crossing The Line

    Contributed by Jackie Hill on May 3, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    There are three types of people that respond to the truth, which kind are you and are you willing to take the next step in your journey with Christ?

    “Crossing the Line” John 6:60-71 Introduction… Have any of you seen the old Disney film, “Davy Crocket”? It is one of my all-time favorites. There is a scene in that movie, at the Alamo, when Col. Travis draws a line of the ground and asks the men that want to more

  • Bread Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 11, 2009

    True discipleship is all about personal committment that affects you every day and all day.

    Bread of heaven John 6:51-65 Some people thirst after riches and some thirst after fame but there’s one thing the whole world thirsts after, and that’s salted peanuts. We have in this passage and account of a whole multitude of people who had the wrong more

  • The Difficult Sayings Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 18, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    These are some of the more difficult saying for believers to grasp let alone the unbeliever.

    The difficult sayings of Jesus John 6:60-71 This is an unusual chapter in John’s book. It’s one of the longest in the N.T. and I think that’s because those who determined where the chapter divisions would be took into account that everything here is connected to one main more

  • What Provokes Us To Follow And What Provokes Us Not To Follow?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Aug 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The sermon shares what provoked the disciples to follow and what provoked some to discontinue their following of jesus.

    John 6:59-69 1. First let’s look at what provoked them from not following Jesus 60On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" A. Partiality to other Beliefs provoked them from not following “I f Jesus more

  • Following Jesus Means ........................

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Aug 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There are really only two types of people who profess to follow Christ 1. The FRINGE BENEFIT FOLLOWERS 2. The FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS Which are you

    Sermon: The Discomfort of the Christian Life John 6:53-69 There are really only two types of people who profess to follow Christ 1. The FRINGE BENEFIT FOLLOWERS 2. The FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS 1. FRINGE BENEFITS: We are all acquainted with the term “fringe benefits.” It usually refers more

  • To Whom If Not Christ?

    Contributed by William Wyne on Dec 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon is designed for the believer to trust in the presence and provision of Christ.

    There is a song that says: Where do I go when there’s nobody else to turn to? Who do I turn to when nobody wants to listen? Who do I lean on when there’s no foundation stable? I go to the rock, I know He’s able, I go to the rock. When the earth all around me is sinking sand, more

  • Saints Or Aint's Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 13, 2013

    There is a time for the sheep and the goats to be divided. This happens when Jesus demands something of his followers.

    Saints pr Aint's John 6:60-71 Introduction Last Week, we covered the conclusion of Jesus’ Bread of Life Sermon delivered at the synagogue at Capernaum. In it, the Jews were offended first by Jesus’ claim to have come down from heaven (God). They thought they knew where He came from. more

  • Life-Giving Blood

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Aug 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus tells His disciples that anyone who eats His flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life. Why did they doubt? Jesus says, "This is my body" and "This is my blood". Why do we doubt His word?

    -Obviously, blood is absolutely essential to life. No human can live without blood. -For those who have experienced massive blood loss due to great trauma, a blood transfusion can be the difference between life and death -For those with anemia, low red blood cell count, or thrombocytopenia, low more

  • "Is Christianity Hard To Swallow?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 31, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Will we take the easy way or the hard way?

    John 6:35-37, 53-71 “Is Christianity Hard to Swallow?” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor East Ridge UMC, Chattanooga, TN In our Scripture lesson for this morning we see the first instance—as it pertains to Jesus Christ and the Christian faith—of the revolving door!!! By this time lots of people were more

  • Wisdom Or Nonsense?

    Contributed by Justin Hardin on Aug 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    An examination of a difficult passage in John 6 where Jesus floors the crowd with his declaration that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood in order to receive eternal life. Appropriate for use prior to Lord's Supper.

    Wisdom or Nonsense? John 6:47-71 47“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes has eternal life. 48Yes, I am the bread of life! 49Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died. 50Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die. 51I am the living bread that came more

  • Speak Out Your Own Miracle! (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Jun 11, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    If a person grumbles and complains about their life, or the bad things that have happened to them, they attract negativity and further problems.

    Speak out your own Miracle!(part3) John 6:63 Introduction: I have mentioned to you last Sunday the style of Jesus when he wants to drive home an important point; he uses stories, or makes some action. In this particular chapter Jesus was emphasizing the importance of his word. My goal today, more

  • Is Jesus Enough?

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Nov 21, 2013

    I use a series of movements to weave the story of Charles Colson's conversion into the story of the crowd following Jesus looking for that which lasts. I seek to show how the "Bread of Life" is the solution for the longings of humankind.

    IS JESUS ENOUGH? JOHN 6:1-71 Read verses 1-15 Read verses 25-35 Read verses 60-69 "CHUCK 01" He was commonly referred to as Chuck. He was 41 years old, the first in his family to go to college (Brown University) and was one of three partners in a very successful law firm; so successful that it more

  • The Bread Of Life (Complete)

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 30, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    From the feeding of the 5000 to the breaking of the Bread.

    THE BREAD OF LIFE. John 6:1-15; John 6:25-35; John 6:47-69. THE FEEDING OF THE 5,000 (John 6:1-15). It was now nearly a year since Jesus had cleansed the Temple in Jerusalem, and Passover was fast approaching (John 6:4). Jesus and His disciples had tried to withdraw from the throng in Galilee, more

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